Nutty Edamame Quinoa Bowl

If you ask me, I would say that Brian had a pretty tasty birthday dinner last night…

brian fish taco 4

Brian’s birthday dinner request was a meal comprised of fish tacos.  I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do to make that happen, but at the grocery store I spotted a small packet of “fish taco seasoning.”  I decided to give the seasoning a try and it was a total success!

fish taco 2

I let the tacos marinate in the seasoning mixed with water for one day, then I cooked up the fish on the stove.  Crumbled the fish and filled the tacos with fish, guacamole, lettuce, onion, tomato, and a version of this white sauce.

fish taco 1

Brian specifically requested that I make this dish again 🙂  I love it when that happens!

Now, let’s move onto another successful meal!

Nutty Edamame Quinoa Bowl

I had a successful weekend experimenting in the kitchen.

Brian gave me some Pinterest suggestions for meal ideas this week again.  One of the meal ideas being the Thai Chicken Quinoa Bowl from How Sweet Eats.

Thai chicken quinoa bowl

Typically, I am not one to follow a recipe unless I am baking.  This weekend was no exception.  I thought that this Thai Bowl looked absolutely DELICIOUS, but rather than following her recipe I decided to peak at the ingredients and use the idea to make something similar.

If you ask me….my Nutty Edamame Quinoa Bowl turned out great!  Brian agrees (with a little chicken added for him!)

nutty edamame quinoa bowl

The salty flavor of the peanut butter combined with the crunchy carrots, the salty edamame, the fresh green onions, and the chewy quinoa make this dish absolutely divine!  Definitely a keeper in my book.

I will say that I do not know if this tastes anything like Jessica’s Thai Chicken Bowl from How Sweet Eats, but they look pretty similar.  Next time, I’ll have to follow the exact recipe to compare to my dish inspired by her Pinterest picture 🙂

nutty edamame quinoa bowlNutty Edamame Quinoa Bow (Inspired by How Sweet Eats Thai Chicken Quinoa Bowl)


  • 1 cup of cooked quinoa
  • 1 cup of shelled edamame
  • 1 carrot, chopped
  • 2 green onions, chopped
  • 2 tsp hoisin sauce
  • 1 Tbsp peanut butter (creamy works best!)
  • 1 Tbsp rice vinegar
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 Tbsp lime juice


Combine the quinoa, edamame, carrot, and onion in a large bowl.

In a separate bowl, melt the peanut butter then combine the hoisin, vinegar, garlic, and lime juice with the melty peanut butter.

Pour the peanut butter sauce over the quinoa mixture.  Chill and allow the flavors to meld for at least 1 hour.  Enjoy cold! (Can add chicken, shrimp, or any other form of protein if you wish!)

Now It’s Your Turn:

  • Do you follow a recipe exactly or do you improvise to create your own version?

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    • Thanks, Hanna! I love the texture of edamame with the quinoa…it’s definitely a “keeper” recipe!

  1. Will you come cook me my birthday dinner in July? Seriously, those tacos look incredible! Brian made out pretty well I’d say 🙂

    • Haha!! Well of course I’ll come cook your birthday dinner! Will you cover the flight!? 🙂

  2. Oh wow! This sounds so great!! I love peanut sauce, so I bet I would adore this recipe! 🙂

    • The peanut sauce flavor is subtle and not too overpowering. The carrots and edamame give the dish good texture too!