Just Add A Mile Total Body Circuit

Brian and I have been completing a total body circuit 1-2 times a week for the past couple of weeks that we absolutely LOVE (as much as you can LOVE a workout 😉 )

Just Add A Mile Circuit

I enjoy completing this workout because by the end of it I have banged out 3 miles on the treadmill AND gotten in some strength training.  The treadmill and I are really not friends, but by the end of this workout it doesn’t even feel like I have completed 3 miles because it is broken up into little spurts of running. This workout keeps my mind occupied, so NO workout boredom occurs.  Thank goodness!

I hope you all have a happy Friday and enjoy some sort of workout today 🙂

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  1. What a great workout. I am looking forward to no rain, in Indy, so I can utilize the monon trail and a high school, I live by, tires to flip. I am getting serious fitness cabin fever working out in the house.

    • I bet you are getting cabin fever!!! Last night was PERFECT weather though… 🙂 Let’s keep the sun comin!