State Fair First Timer

Good Friday Morning!

I had been eyeing a breakfast recipe from Chocolate Covered Katie the past couple of days.  It even inspired me to buy some nectarines while at the grocery store on Monday.  The nectarines were finally ready this morning, so instead of making the recipe from CCK I used the flavors in a bowl of oatmeal to make something similar that was less time consuming.

I made voluminous oats by putting double the amount of water needed into my dry oats and microwaving it for double the amount of time.  Be careful and keep an eye on the microwave so you don’t have spillage!! I then added splenda, cinnamon, and vanilla extract, 1 Tbsp of peanut butter and half of a nectarine.  It was like peach cobbler for breakfast…simply delish!

On my way to nannying, I was feeling a little bit tired because I stayed up too late reading my yoga books last night, so I stopped by McDonald’s to get a sugar free vanilla non-fat milk iced coffee.  Also deeelish 🙂

The kids and I are headed to the Indiana State Fair later today.  I have never been, but it is Purdue University day and Jeremy is absolutely in love with Purdue.  I honestly do not even know what to expect…lot’s of farm animals probably.  The theme of the fair is the year of the soybean, so I’m hoping that means that they are serving edamame…that sounds like fair food, right?  It should be a fun way to spend the day.

Things you may want to check out!

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