Why You Should Go to the Gym Today

Last night, I wanted something really quick for dinner.  I was tired and hungry, and those two things are NEVER a good combination.

Luckily, I had some veggie burgers in the fridge that only took about 8 minutes to cook.  These burgers were a new brand to me, Franklin Farms, and I truly loved them!


The ingredient list wasn’t too lengthy and the first ingredient on the list was “vegetables!”  Each burger has 100 calories, 12 grams of protein, and tasty flavor.  These little burgers are going to be hopping into my grocery cart more often!

This Morning

This morning, I woke up on the tired side of the bed.  I’ll admit it and say that I simply wanted to curl up back into my blankets and close my eyes rather than heading to the gym…but I didn’t.  Of course there are days when a little mid week break is needed, but there are also times when you need to simply push yourself just a bit and say “come on, think about how you will feel after you go to the gym…”

A little self-motivation never hurt anyone 😉

If you are lacking that little motivation to head to the gym this Friday, here are some self-motivating tips that I use when the bed sheets are calling my name:

  • I like to think about how I will feel after the workout.  That energy boost and that feeling of strength and accomplishment is priceless!
  • Put it into your schedule so that if you are a “list” person (which I completely am!) then you can physically cross that thing off the list.
  • If I am not feeling like creating my own workout or really thinking about it, then I will go to a group fitness class so that someone else can plan my workout for me.
  • The end goal is always important for me.  Am I working to build muscle?  Am I training for a race?  I like to keep whatever that end goal is in my head and think about how completing the workout will allow me to go one step closer to that goal.
  • To get that endorphin high!  Enough said 🙂
  • Remember how this exercise, whatever form, is benefitting your health in the long term.

How do you motivate yourself to get to the gym in the morning?

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  1. I recently tried those burgers too! I loved the simple ingredient list, and they weren’t as high in sodium as many of the others out there.

    Great motivation tips! I’m all about that after workout high.

  2. I am a crabby apple without my morning dose of endorphins, so I remind myself that I’ll feel icky the rest of the day if I skip but AWESOME if just just do it!

  3. Hi, I run 3-4 days a week. I find that having a mileage goal helps me stay motivated. If I miss a run then I’ll need to make it up on my other runs which just makes them that much longer.
    I also keep in mind that I have races coming up and if I don’t put in the work now I wont have a good race.

    • Such a good idea!! Who wants to run longer just because we were not feelin it one day?! And we all want to have great races every time!! Good motivational tools!!