Whole 30 Week 4 Review

It’s officially the final week of my Whole 30 Challenge.


I can’t believe how quickly this month has gone by!

I have truly enjoyed this challenge and process, and while I have not gotten all the way through It All Starts with Food, I am still enjoying everything I am learning from it and plan to continue to read the book all the way to the end.

While it has been a challenge to go out to dinner and drinks with friends and to throw a birthday dinner for my sister while sticking with the plan it wasn’t impossible.  I was able to stick to the plan, even make foods for my friends and family that were Whole 30 that they enjoyed, AND I had a great time.

Last week, I mentioned that I needed to plan for AFTER the Whole 30.  I did a bit of research this week and found that there is actually a Whole 30 guide to reintroduction. (They have a guide for everything!)

My plan is very much based on the plan they have outlined.

  • Day 1 (Post Whole 30):  Legumes

While keeping everything else Whole 30 compliant, I plan to introduce peanut butter, black beans, and possibly hummus this day.  I will pay close attention to how my body feels, my mood, etc, and then the following two days I will go back to eating strict Whole 30.

  • Day 4:  Non-Gluten Grains

This means I will get to have my beloved oats for breakfast, and some quinoa with dinner.  I can’t wait!

  • Day 8:  Dairy

I will get to try Greek yogurt, maybe some cheese…and I may have to use this as an excuse to get some ice cream (it’s been forever!)

  • Day 10:  Alcohol

This is actually the day of Brian’s Dental School Valentine’s Day Dance.  I am so excited to go, and I want to enjoy a glass of wine or prosecco (or two!).  I have gone without alcohol the entire Whole 30, which has been no big deal, but I do believe in moderation and I feel it is ok to enjoy treats such as alcohol for special occasions. I plan to go right back to Whole 30 for two days after this experiment as well.

  • Day 13:  Grains Containing Gluten

Not sure what I will eat this day, maybe some whole wheat pita chips?  But I will make sure it is something tasty!

As far as the questions I have received, I will be answering those later this week 🙂

Here is a look at how things went for me last week:

Whole 30 Week 4

Day 20

  • Woke up with a slight headache and a strange puffiness in my eyes…not sure what is going on here!
  • Felt a little weird through most of the day and my throat started to hurt!! (eek!)
  • Felt strong during my workouts.

Day 21

  • Woke up before my alarm (woo!)
  • Still had a scratchy throat, but other than that felt really good.
  • Was hungry before lunch and ate my apple early to tide me over.
  • Felt good through the entire day and strong during my workout (in the morning AND in the evening).
  • Had NO trouble falling asleep.

Day 22

  • Woke up feeling refreshed, and my muscles are sore from my workouts (love this feeling!)
  • Still a little scratchy throat…hoping it doesn’t develop into something more.

Day 23

  • Hungry upon waking…as usual.
  • Felt like I was getting sick today.
  • Sore throat, felt a little weak during my workout and started to get a headache in the evening.
  • Stomach started to feel upset after dinner.

Day 24

  • Woke up feeling kind of weird…nothing tasted good.  It all had kind of a metallic flavor.
  • As the day went on that feeling and taste went away.
  • Really hoping I am not getting sick!!!!
  • Did some cooking in preparation for a little birthday dinner I am hosting for my sister and snacked while cooking.

Day 25

  • Woke up feeling stuffy and my throat hurt.
  • A slightly weird taste in my mouth but not as bad as yesterday.
  • Tummy felt flat despite my later in the evening snacking while cooking.
  • Originally planned on running, but my body felt a bit achy so opted for an at home yoga video.
  • Really didn’t feel super hungry all day, but ate three meals.

Day 26

  • Woke up with no alarm at 7:30.  I wanted to make sure I got enough sleep since it seems a COLD is coming on.
  • Felt MUCH better this morning, just blowing my nose a lot today and not a huge appetite.

Whole 30 Week 4 Breakfasts

Mini Crabby Breakfast Muffins

mini crabby egg muffins 5

My recent breakfast go-to:  veggie egg scramble (2 egg whites and one egg) with a side of fruit and nut butter.


Crabby breakfast muffins with fruit and cashew butter.

whole 30 breakfast

whole 30 breakfast

whole 30 breakfast

Whole 30 Week 4 Lunches

A delicious salad from Patachou with avocado, hardboiled egg, tomato, and apple over greens.  SO good!

patachou salad

Salad with veggies, black olives, baked cod and a side of more veggies and an apple. (I had this several times this week.)

whole 30 lunch

Whole 30 Week 4 Dinner

Leftovers 🙂

whole 30 dinner

Creamy Curry Slow Cooker Meal

creamy curry slow cooker dinner

Salmon stuffed pepper and roasted veggies…so good!

salmon stuffed peppers

Baked eggplant with homemade marinara and birthday appetizers.

whole 30 brenna bday 19

There ya have it friends!

Question of the Morning:

  • Do you have any food allergies?  
  • Have you ever done an “elimination” type diet?  If so, how did you reintroduce foods into your diet?
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  2. Oh no! I hope you aren’t coming down with a cold. Praying your body fights off any illness.

    Ive just currently cut eggs from my diet for the next 3 months. So far I haven’t noticed too big of a change but we’ll see @ the end of the week.

    • Thank you, Jessie! I think the worst of it is past me. Just a runny nose now! Why are you eliminating eggs and why 3 months?