Weird Start to the Day

Good morning, and happy Saturday friends!

I woke up this morning craving one thing and one thing only…peanut butter.  Geez, I feel like I can’t get enough of this stuff lately!  I satisfied my craving with a couple of peanut butter fingers (maybe a few too many!), and then I decided to eat a real meal for breakfast 😉

Monkey Oats!breakfastWhat’s in the bowl:

Yum.  It definitely filled me up, and satisfied my peanut buttery craving.

Now, let’s move on to yesterday.

Friday Recap

Yesterday, was such a weird day for me!

It started out like this.

photo (30)When I came out of the gym and tried to start my car, it was DEAD.  Dead as a door nail.  Luckily, there was a really nice girl walking by that heard my poor car struggling.  She gently tapped on the window and asked if I needed a jump.  Thank goodness!! We then spent the next 30 minutes trying to get her car to give my car some battery juice without any luck.  We then called the campus security (one of the gym’s I teach at is on a college campus), and the campus security was able to give me a successful jump so that my car could carry me on my way.

Next on the agenda, I was heading to the library for a work project.  Well, I got to the library and it was closed for another hour.  Since the roads were bad due to an unexpected snow fall, and I needed to get into work, I skipped out on the library.

Instead, I grabbed a coffe for myself and my sister, and delivered it to her at her apartment on my way into work.

creation cafe 4From then on, the rest of the day was actually pretty normal.  But you have to admit that the day started off pretty crazy…right?


After work, my sister and I had plans to meet up for a  special birthday dinner.  Brenna picked Creation Cafe because she was in the mood for a tasty salad.

This restaurant is located on the canal in downtown Indianapolis.  The restaurant is full of mismatched, but cute furniture and decor giving it a fun, and quirky feel.

For starters, we each had a glass of Riesling.

creation cafe 2

creation cafe 3We then started out with an order of pickle chips.  Brenna and I grew up as HUGE pickle fans, so whenever we see anything pickle on the menu we usually end up ordering it.

These came with a delicious and slightly spicy sauce.  I am not sure what the sauce was, but it really made this basket of fried pickle chips rock.

creation cafe 1For my meal, I ordered the Hoity Toity Spinach salad which was a bed of lettuce topped with green apple, toasted walnuts, and raspberry red onion sans the chicken and bacon. I was surprised that the brie dressing was warm, but it really added a lot of flavor to the salad.  Although the salad was tasty, and I nearly cleared my plate I probably wouldn’t order it again.  It tasted good, but it really didn’t WOW me like I was hoping.

creation cafe 5Brenna and I just spent the evening leisurely catching up on each other’s lives, laughing, and just enjoying each other’s company.  It was a great way to celebrate my little sister’s birthday. 🙂


As usual, I will be teaching my Bodypump class this morning.  I have team taught this class two times this week, so I should be good to go to teach it all on my own today, but I am still nervous!  Teaching a new release is always exciting/nerve wracking, but I just make sure to review my notes, practice, do my best, and have fun.  After all, it is about inspiring others to get moving and have fun with me…isn’t it!?

body pump shirt

I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!


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    • I always recommend to my participants to bring a little (or big!) notebook with them to class so that they can write down the weights that they use and make note of when they should change the weight for the next class. I started to do this when I first took pump and it made a world of a difference!! I can understand that at first it is a lot of info and can seem overwhelming, so just bring the notebook, and feel free to ask your instructor (or me!) if you have any specific questions!!

  1. Those monkey oats sound delicious. Generally speaking, I am not a fan of oats or oatmeal for breakfast. However, I think that this would definitely be a recipe that I would like. I am sure that the addition of peanut butter doesn’t hurt! 😉

    YUM! I love fried pickles, especially dipped in ranch or Southwestern ranch. So, so good!

    • My fiance doesn’t like oats either…maybe I should have him try the monkey oats next time I make them 🙂

    • When the car battery dies, it’s definitely not the end of the world…it just kind of throws everything off! Oh well!!