Weekend Recap 2.22.2014

This morning started with a little food prep!

monday food prep

And a delicious breakfast:


Brian and I were out of town this weekend visiting my family, so my weekend food prep was pretty non-existent.  Luckily, I go in later on Monday mornings because I teach on Monday nights so I had a little extra time this morning to get some food ready for the week.

Now, let’s take a look at the weekend!


Right after work on Friday, Brian picked me up and we were on the road to Fort Wayne.

I packed myself a delicious dinner of salmon patties, dijon mustard, and raw veggies.

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Shortly after we were on the road Brian declared that he “thought he needed a milkshake.”  Well, it’s been quite a while since I have had a milkshake, so I decided to get one too!



We spent the evening visiting with Chelsea and Nate (some of our good friends!) and their brand new baby, Jamison.  I can’t believe that he is almost 3 months old!!

baby jamison

We then headed to my parents house.  We were all pretty tired from the week, so honestly it was an “early to bed night” and I was not complaining 🙂


Saturday morning started with a quick tabata workout using the Gymboss Interval Timer.  (review coming soon!) Such a handy little tool!

gymboss tabata

Brian and I both had some work to do, so we loaded up our bags and headed out to Bon Bons, a cute little Fort Wayne coffee shop.

bon bon coffee

After a morning of productivity, we headed home for a tasty lunch.

My plate was full of spinach, romaine, sweet potato, cauliflower, cucumber, broccoli, and tuna.  Mmmm!


Next on our to do list?   Mom, Brenna, Brian, and I headed out to the movie theater to see the new Disney Movie Frozen.  It was such a cute movie!! I definitely recommend seeing it, especially if you have a sister 🙂

movie with mom and brenna

Once we got home, Mom whipped up a tasty meal for all of us (salmon over steamed spinach and leaks).

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After dinner, we did a little cookie baking and played a competitive game of Scattergories.  Such a fun way to spend the night 🙂


Sunday morning, I woke up earlier than the rest of the family and whipped up one of my frittatas for everyone to enjoy with some fruit on the side (I had a little sweet potato too!)


Brian and I then headed out so we could get back to Indy because we had plans with his family that evening.

Brian’s dad’s birthday is Wednesday so we did a little gift exchange at our house then headed to Bru Burger for a tasty meal.  The wait for our table was a bit longer than expected considering it was a Sunday night, but once we were seated the service was great and the food was delicious.

dinner with rochford's

Normally, I get the veggie burger (which is amazing!) but this time, I ordered the Cobb Salad (minus the bacon and gorgonzola).  This had a bed of lettuce with tomato, cucumber, red onion, hard boiled egg and guacamole (yum!) and I ordered Mahi Mahi to go with it.  So good!

dinner with rochford's

After dinner, Brian and  I came home to watch a bit of TV and hit the hay.

A busy and family filled weekend, my favorite kind of weekend!

Time to Share:

  • Tell me about your weekend!
  • Do you use a workout timer when you do intervals/tabata work?  What do you use?
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