Valentine’s Day Dance…But First I Must Study!

I can’t believe it is Friday already!

This weekend, I am attending the AFAA Primary Group Exercise Certification Workshop to become a certified group fitness instructor.  Currently, I am an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and a Les Mills Certified Bodypump instructor.  After my freshman year of college, I completed the AFAA workshop and passed to obtain the certification, but unfortunately I didn’t keep up on my continuing education to maintain the certification.  Believe me, that will not be happening this time!

I mentioned that I would be completing this workshop a couple of weeks ago and had the date wrong…oops!!

Yesterday’s Food

Yesterday, breakfast was just about the same as every other day…overnight oats.  This week’s fruit of choice:  cherries!  I can’t get enough of them 🙂

breakfast oatsLunch was a veggie burger with avocado with yogurt ranch dressing on a lettuce “bun.”  Yum!

lunchAfter my certification workshop on Saturday, Brian and I are attending the Dental School Valentine’s Day dance.  Brian is in his third year of dental school, they have this dance every year, but this is the first time that we are able to go!  I wanted to make sure that I had something pretty and valentine-y for the dance, so after work I headed to Forever 21 and purchased this little dress!

dress 2With these earrings to match

earringsAnd this necklace to go along.  Brian also had the perfect tie to go with my new outfit.  We couldn’t have planned that better!

dressI am so looking forward to this dance, but before the dance I have to worry about the certification workshop!  Eeek!  Wish me luck!

What are some big things on your weekend agenda?

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