Things I’m Loving: September 2015

Things I'm Loving September Treble in the KItchen

In place of a five things friday post, I thought I would share my highlight reel of September!

I hope you all had a wonderful month and are ready to get into full swing fall mode ๐Ÿ™‚

Products/Services I am Loving:

Yuni Instant Shower Sheets

Yuni sent me these cleansing wipes that smell absolutely amazing! ย They are great for midday workouts when you just don’t quite have time to shower, but you want to freshen up. ย The pack doesn’t come with very many (only 20), but they really do the trick!

Yuni Instant Shower Sheets

For a free month of Rocksbox, use the codeย trebleinthekitchenxoxo!

Rocksbox from Treble in the Kitchen

After receiving three free months of Rocksbox, they have kindly offered me a few more free months! (Check out Rocksbox 1, Rocksbox 2, Rocksbox 3). ย I’m still impressed with the jewelry that has been included in my monthly box, and I have loved wearing all three pieces.

Even though I have loved all the jewelry, I REALLY loved this Gorjana Aida Cuff, and I bought it!

Rocksbox from Treble in the Kitchen

I love how it stacks with my watch and bracelets.

Rocksbox and Tribe Wheel

I typically wear the same eyeshadow every single day and I really focus on neutral colors, so I was really happy to see very neutral colors in this eye shadow palette!

Butter London Shadow Clutch Palette


Butter London gifted me with this eye shadow clutch and extra eye shadow at the beginning of the month and I have been loving it! ย It really came at the perfect time because I was running out of eye shadow ๐Ÿ™‚

Have you guys heard of the Think Dirty App?

Think Dirty App

I JUST discovered this app last week. ย What you do is scan your beauty products and then the app gives your product a rating based on the ingredients in it. ย The app then recommends products that are cleaner but similar to what scanned in, you can then click the new product and buy it from amazon straight from the app! ย How amazing is that?

I’ve scanned quite a few dirty products and have started a list of “cleaner items” that I want to incorporate into my beauty routine. ย If you guys have any clean beauty products you recommend, let me know!

Food I am Been Loving:

  • Well…it’s official. ย I’m eating all things pumpkin ๐Ÿ™‚


  • I’ve also been loving winter squash! (Acorn squash pictured below)

Winter squash

  • Hot oatmeal has made a comeback into my regular breakfast rotation and I am so happy about it.

Super Oats with Pumpkin

  • Quinoa Flour!

I recently experimented with quinoa flour in the kitchen and whipped up these tasty peanut butter maple cookies. ย They were so good, Brian asked for them two weeks in a row ๐Ÿ˜‰

Peanut Butter Maple Cookies with Quinoa Flour from Treble in the Kitchen

Workouts I am Loving

Last month,ย The Ballet Physique invited me to attend several classes at their studio and I absolutely LOVED it.

The Ballet Physique

The workouts were amazing and so different from what I am used to. ย You can check out my entire review here.

My favorite class that I took at The Ballet Physique was the Skinny Jeans class. ย It was a mix of cardio and barre fitness for a class that was kind of like barre boot camp. ย Killed me every time!

  • Marathon Training!

I ran my final long run…20 miles…and I lived to tell about it ๐Ÿ™‚

20 mile run

Having that final long run under my belt has given me a lot of confidence about running the marathon in a couple of weeks. ย Now, I’m just focusing on stretching, shorter runs, and sleeping ๐Ÿ™‚

This past Wednesday, I was invited to attend and event hosted by Enzymedicaย that focused on all things digestion. ย We started with a yoga practice that focused on digestive health and then learned all about digestion and digestive enzymes from Suzanne Farrell (a Registered Dietitian in the area). ย I absolutely loved the entire morning!

Yoga with Kathryn Budig

  • Hiking

I am so happy that Brian and I were able to squeeze two hikes in this month! ย The fall foliage is gorgeous and perfect backdrop for any hike ๐Ÿ™‚

Tara and Bernie

Butler Gulch Hike Colorado

Things I am Loving to Read/Watch/Listen to:


  • Why Everything in Moderation Doesn’t Work |ย Greatistย This is a really interesting read. ย There are a few points that I agree with, as I think many people overdo the whole “moderation” thing and reward their healthy habits with an unhealthy treat, and I think people often give food super powers. ย More isn’t always better when it comes to healthy foods. ย While there are few good points, I don’t agree that having a treat each day isย alwaysย a negative thing. ย I think it’s really important to look at things situation by situation because all bodies are different and respond to things in unique ways.
  • This is Where Body Fat Ends Up When You Lose Weight | Science Alertย Just thought this was interesting! ๐Ÿ™‚
  • How to Food Prep for Beginnersย |ย The Lean Green Beanย Lindsay has some amazing tips that make food prepping really approachable for anyone.
  • Luxurious Homemade Sunflower Seed Butterย |ย Oh She Glowsย I haven’t tried this recipe yet, but it looks amazing! When I have made sunflower seed at home, roasting the seeds always gives me a tastier end product.
  • Can You Lose Fat and Build Muscle at the Same Timeย |ย Fitnessistaย Great, doable tips for anyone with this goal in mind.
  • Top 10 Things to Know About Medjool Datesย |ย Eating Bird Foodย I had no idea that medjool dates were a fresh fruit!


  • Friends |ย Still working my way through the series!
  • Next Food Network Star |ย Mom sent me a DVD with this year’s season on it and Brian and I are slowly making our way through

Listen to

Shawn Meg Tara

  • Build Your Tribe |ย I really love the quick tips and tricks in this podcast! Each episode is about 15 minutes long.
  • The Chopped Podcastย | Have you guys heard of this? ย It’s so new to me I haven’t even listened to it yet, but I wanted to include it because it looks amazing! ย It’s all about being a food blogger and the show interviews many different food bloggers to focus on different topics each week.

Memories and Moments I am Loving:

  • Movie date with Brian ๐Ÿ™‚ At the beginning of the month we went to see “The Visit.” It was definitely a thriller, but so good!

Movie Date

  • Bernie’s photo outtakes! Luckily, we are usually able to get a good picture with Bernie when we want to but if we try to take a photo just a second too long…this happens! HA!

Bernie photo outtakes

Bernie photo outtakes

Bernie photo outtakes

Here is the successful photo:

Butler Gulch Hiking

  • Visiting my school!

University of Northern Colorado

Yes, I am in a distance (online) dietetics program, but it is through an actual school (University of Northern Colorado). ย I have been e-mailing with some of the faculty in my program for YEARS now and I really wanted to meet these people that are helping me pursue one of my dreams.

The visit was absolutely amazing and really helped put a little extra fire in me to continue to work hard and do the best I can.

University of Northern Colorado

  • Attending a Switchbacks soccer game with friends. ย It was such a fally night!

Switchbacks Soccer Game

Your Turn:

  • Share some of your September highlights!

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  1. What a month! You were really busy but looks like a ton of fun. September was actually pretty chill for me…I haven’t done too much and it was great to relax! October is another story and willl be so busy. I love that bracelet you dainty and pretty! Have a great weekend ๐Ÿ™‚