Things I’m Loving: March 2017

Things I'm Loving March 2017

I am so happy that spring is officially here!  There are still days with a slight chill in the air, but warm weather and sunshine is ahead of us.

February was full of all of our “lasts” as we were getting ready to move from Denver to Indianapolis, and March has been full of unpacking, getting settled, establishing routine and trying new-to-us things in our new home!

In January and February I set an intention for the month, but for March I didn’t feel the need to set a specific goal to achieve.  Instead, I really tried to be present for all of our new beginnings, not let my emotions get the best of me (change can be hard!), and to truly understand that all things will fall into place.

Here is a recap of the month of March.

Products I am Loving:

Things I'm Loving March 2017

For as much as I love this online second hand clothing shop, I feel like I haven’t spoken about this little gem at all!

thredUP  is a wonderful resource for gently used clothing.  I’ve purchased every day wear, workout clothing, and professional clothing for prices that are less than half of the original cost.  They have a wide variety of sizes and great descriptions notating how much wear to expect from an item.

If you are interested in checking it out, click this link to receive $10 on your first order!

Here are some items from my most recent haul.

Things I'm Loving March 2017

All of the items I purchased felt clean, and I could not tell that they were used previously.

Foods I am Loving:

Things I'm Loving March 2017

Our first night in our house, Brian and I grabbed a delicious dinner from Napolese to eat amongst several boxes in the company of our good friend Maureen.

This pizzeria makes pizza as delicious as the stuff in Italy and offers salads chock full of a variety of veggies.  This meal truly hit the spot and was such a great way to start our new lives in our first house.

Things I'm Loving March 2017


Open Society is where I found my beloved housemade cashew milk latte (SO good!).  Brian and I received a few gift cards to local restaurants, Open Society included, so we decided to celebrate Brian’s first week of work with a delicious date night dinner.

The food was absolutely AMAZING, the wait staff was extremely friendly (and they asked if anyone had any food intolerances or allergies!), and the overall experience was just what we wanted.  For our main dishes, Brian and I shared the chicken entree and the fish entree.  Both were equally yummy.

  • Eggs from my friend’s Chickens!

Things I'm Loving March 2017

Aren’t those gorgeous!?  Several people in our neighborhood have urban chicken coops, and we just happen to be friends with one family with 7 chickens!  They offered to sell us some of their eggs and I am so thankful we took them up on the offer.  These eggs are absolutely delish!

Things I'm Loving March 2017

My friend, Nicole Culver of Blissful Eats, has created this absolutely wonderful mix that is perfect for muffins, quick bread, pancakes and waffles.  I whipped up a batch of muffins with the mix last week and they were the perfect side for some eggs and fruit that made up a hearty weekend breakfast.  I can’t wait to try this mix as pancakes next!

  • Grocery shopping at Aldi

Things I'm Loving March 2017

Back in Denver, I did most of my grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s. I  was totally spoiled by having 2 within a 2 mile radius of our apartment.  While there is a Trader Joe’s in Indy, it really isn’t convenient enough for me to make it a regular spot on my grocery shopping route.  Insert Aldi!

I have been SO impressed by their products and prices, I actually plan on writing up a more detailed post about it 🙂 I had to mention it here though too!

Things I'm Loving March 2017

Holy smokes this stuff is good! If you are looking for a new granola to try, I highly recommend this stuff!  It is subtly sweet, super crunchy, full of clusters and has a wonderful ingredient list.

Moments I am Loving:

  • Brian’s graduation from his orthodontic residency!

Things I'm Loving March 2017

At the end of February, Brian officially completed his last milestone in school and I couldn’t be prouder! It’s pretty crazy that his residency is over, our Denver experience has come to an end, and Brian is now a working orthodontist.  Brian’s parents and brother came into town and we had an awesome time celebrating, soaking up all the last things about Denver possible and getting ready to move back to Indy.

  • Moving back to Indy

Things I'm Loving March 2017

It was a long drive, but we broke it up into two days (and thankfully Brian’s dad drove the moving truck!) and we made it back home to Indiana in one piece.

The puppies snuggled in my lap for most of the trip, but there were a few moments when they would give me a break to go cuddle in the back.  So adorable!

Things I'm Loving March 2017

  • Moving into our first house

Things I'm Loving March 2017

The boxes are put away, but there is still SO much to do!  Brian and I are not the handiest people, BUT we are working on learning what we can do on our own.   We still need to purchase some things like rugs, decorations, and we plan on getting the walls painted at some point in the near future so we haven’t hung anything on the walls yet…BUT it’s beginning to feel more and more like our special place every day.

  • Exploring our neighborhood on foot with the dogs

Things I'm Loving March 2017

Things I'm Loving March 2017

Things I'm Loving March 2017

There are so many beautiful homes to look at, fun restaurants that we want to try, and nice weather to enjoy.  We are always thankful for sunny days around here because they don’t come around quite as often as they do in Denver, so we make sure to get outside and go for LONG walks with Bernie and Rooney 🙂  The funny thing is that here in Indy, we usually run into someone we know on the walk!  In Denver that RARELY happened.

  • Being back at NIFS and creating videos

Five Things Friday 3.17.2017

Before moving to Denver, I worked at NIFS as a group fitness instructor and as a part of their management team.  It feels SO good to be back in such a familiar and welcoming atmosphere, and I am having a blast helping them out!

Workouts I’m Loving:

  • Running with Bernie and with Friends

Running Safety Tips

I have really been enjoying catching up with old friends while running and checking out the neighborhood while running with Bernie (we usually go a bit farther on our runs than on our walks!).  I’m not training for anything at the moment, but it feels like the entire city is training for the Indianapolis Mini Marathon. Not training for something is nice, because I don’t feel any pressure to run at the moment and I can do it purely because I want to…but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was itching to train for my next race!

Things I'm Loving March 2017

Brian and I have been incorporating some Swift workouts and yoga into our workout routine and we are really enjoying the atmosphere, community, and the overall workout challenge.

Swift stands for Sweat With Indy for Time.  The classes are 45 minutes long, begin with a dynamic warm up and include a functional movement to help engage the proper muscles necessary for the workout and a timed high intensity workout with options available for ALL fitness levels.  It’s such a positive atmosphere, and we love that there are a couple of locations (even one just a few blocks from our house) around the city.

Things I'm Loving March 2017

Tuesday night, Brian and I met a friend at a CycleBar class and had a blast! It was my first time experiencing a class that tracked your pace and rank in the class at the front on a monitor, but I thrived on that competitive feeling it gave me.  The studio was set up like a health bar with water on tap, snacks, and energetic music.  We were definitely sweaty after this class!

Things I'm Loving March 2017

Have you ever seen something at the gym that looked like what is pictured above?  That is a TRX system.

TRX is a workout based on suspension that really focuses on core stabilization.  This was a really neat workout because I definitely felt challenged while completing the exercises, but I wasn’t super sweaty or fatigued immediately after…but the next day?? My muscles could definitely tell that I had completed a brand new to me workout!  I can’t wait to go back for another!

Your Turn:

  • Share a highlight from your month with me! 

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  1. March was such a big month for you! Your house looks so cute and I can’t wait to see what you do with it. I also bought some things from Thred Up this month..I got a really nice Lulu tank that looks and feels brand new. Can’t beat that!

  2. It sounds like March was full of new beginnings in the best of ways!! I totally agree that change is HARD! Congrats to you and Brian on finishing residency… what a huge milestone! I hope you enjoy being back in Indiana!! And PS – I can’t wait to try a TRX workout!!

    • It certainly was 🙂 Let me know if you give TRX a try!! I was more sore the day after than anticipated!