Things I’m Loving: July 2019

Things I'm Loving July 2019

And just like that it’s August and even though I am not going to school and we don’t have kids going to school, all things feel like “back to school.” Really, fall is just around the corner, and even though I am a total sunny summer girl, I’m kind of excited for the crunchy leaves of fall!

Brian and I have spent a TON of time traveling this year, which has been so fun but we intentionally did not plan very much travel through the summer so we could enjoy all the fun things Indiana has going on.

The only trip we took all summer was to Colorado over the 4th of July (and our 6th anniversary weekend) and it was such a fun trip, seriously nothing beats being in the mountains.

The rest of the month was pretty chill and relaxed and I’m not mad about it one bit 🙂

Hope you had a fantastic month, here are some other highlights.

  • Our trip to Colorado. The hikes are always so gorgeous!

Things I'm Loving August 2019

  • Celebrating my sister’s engagement to David, her fiance!

Brenna lives in Colorado, so it was fun to throw her an engagement party while we were visiting.

  • Playing with the pups and my mom’s dog.

Early in the month, Mom brought her pup (bear) down to Indy and we took them to the park to play. It was adorable and the pups were so worn out afterward.

Things I'm Loving August 2019

Brian surprised me with a pair of Birdies slipper shoes and I LOVE them. They are adorable and so comfortable, and perfect for someone who works from home (although I’m pretty sure you could wear these out and about because they are so cute!)

I do a lot of standing while testing recipes in the kitchen and shooting videos, so having cute and comfortable slipper shoes is just what I needed!

Things I'm Loving July 2019

  • We officially have GRASS in our front and back yard!

We had sod laid in our front and back yard (they were previously just dirt) and we watered it SO much and it rooted into the ground. We had it mowed for the first time last week and it just looks so dang good 🙂

Things I'm Loving August 2019

Arman from The Big Man’s World recently came out with a new cook book: Clean Snacks. There are so many yummy recipes in this book, but I specifically loved Classic Chocolate Mug Cake – so simple and a single serving dessert. I love having recipes like this on hand for moments when Brian or I have a sweet tooth craving 🙂

The book has recipes that are sweet and savory and everything looks really delicious, simple and creative. I can’t wait to give more recipes a try!

Things I'm Loving July 2019

I hope you had a fantastic July! See you next month 🙂

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