Thanksgiving Prep and Step-By-Step Place Cards

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

Last night, I began a lot of prep work on the dishes I am bringing to the table on Thursday so that tonight I can relax with some of Brian’s family friends that are coming into town.

This year, among a couple of other items, I am in charge of the pies.  Baking may just be my favorite thing to do in the kitchen, and I absolutely love decorating things to make them *extra special.*  I purchased some piecrust cutters from Williams Sonoma a couple of weeks ago and have been anxiously waiting for the chance to use them.

I baked the pecan pie and pumpkin pie using the recipes that my mom and dad use every year.  I added my little special touch with the piecrust embellishments, and I am so pleased with how they turned out!

I also whipped up a batch of sugar cookies so that we could decorate them as little turkeys.  Honestly, I just love the craftiness and cuteness of decorating baked goods!  I was very pleased with how the turkeys turned out 🙂

And the final project I worked on for the evening were making the place cards for our Thanksgiving dinner.  These place cards turned out to be super easy, and so adorable!

Here is a little step-by-step action of what I created.

Supplies you will need:  glue stick, hot glue gun, pine cones, scrapbook paper, markers, little foam leaves or other decoration.

I began by cutting out a piece of orange paper, then measuring the patterned paper to be slightly smaller, and then finally I cut white pieces of cardstock to be just the right size for the front of the place card.


I then pieced the place cards together and glued them together with the glue stick.

Before glueing the white pieces on, I wrote the names.  Then, I glued the white pieces onto the orange paper.

After they were all glued together, I folded them down the middle so they would make a tent shape and stand on their own.

Next, it was time to add a little embellishment.  I took a foam leaf and hot glued it to the side of the place card by the name.

Finally, I put hot glue on the front and back of the inside of the little place card tent, and placed it on top of the pine cone.  I held everything in place for about 10 seconds just to make sure nothing was going to fall apart!

And there you have it, easy, cute, and fun Thanksgiving place cards!

What will you be bringing to Thanksgiving this year?  If you are not bringing anything, what are you looking forward to the most?

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