A Sneak Peek in My Fridge!

Hey guys!

Happy Thursday 🙂

This week has been going by kind of slow for me…anyone else feel the same?

Well, not too long ago I mentioned on facebook and instagram that I wanted to make more videos for the blog.  I started making a couple of videos last year, and really had fun doing it but I kind of fell off the bandwagon.  This year, I’m trying it out again!

Many of you mentioned that you wanted to see a sneak peek of what’s in my fridge, so I thought that would be a great place to start.

Sneak Peek in My Fridge via Treble in the Kitchen

Sneak Peak in My Fridge via Treble in the Kitchen

Today’s video walks you through my fridge from shelf to shelf.  The video is a little bit longer than I would have liked, but I didn’t want you to miss out on anything 🙂

I hope you enjoy the video!

In the video, I mention that it’s Sunday a couple of times…oops! Clearly, it’s not Sunday anymore 😉

AND I’m such a goober…totally just realized that I spelled “peek” “peak”…guess that is what happens when you write a post and edit under the influence of sleepiness! 🙂

In the video I mention a couple of recipes and products that I love.  The links to these recipes and products are listed below!

If there is anything I mentioned in the video but forgot to list up above please let me know.  Also, if there are other videos you would like to see, questions you want me to answer or you just want to chat you can shoot me an e-mail or comment below!

**PS:  I’m totally not a videographer or editor.  It’s a work in progress, so if you have any tips, tricks or advice that may help please feel free to let me know in a kind, constructive criticism kind of way 🙂

Your Turn:

  • What are three things in your fridge right now?  

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  1. Tara, thanks for the video! It was motivating to me and made me kinda feel like doing some food prep during weekend! 🙂 Btw, I made the salmon cake the other day! I really liked that! Thanks for the recipe though!
    Also, I am videoing my Body Pump class this weekend for the assessment, so wish me luck! 😉

    • YAY! Good luck with the food prep, Shiva! And more importantly, good luck with your BP video! You will do so great!

  2. Tara!! So good to hear your upbeat voice! 🙂 Keep on keeping on with the videos. In my fridge, I currently have: 1. green protein shakes (primarily spinach, kiwi, banana and raw protein powder) 2. cauliflower (which I’ve been experimenting with to make rice/pizza crust) 3. a batch of miso soup using this Korean fermented bean paste called doenjang.

    • Yay! Just go for it 🙂 It takes some time to edit, but after the first two or three video it gets much quicker and you learn the “tricks.” It’s been a while since I did my last one so this took me a little bit longer. I have used my camera that I take photos with as it has a video setting and I sometimes just prop my laptop up and use iMovie (I have a mac) but I’m still shopping around for the best option!