Pin It Party #4

Lindsay over at the Lean Green Bean is hosting the fourth official Pin It Party on her blog today.

Pin It Party

This is the third Pin It Party I have participated in, so if you weren’t around for the first two I check them out!

I love these parties because they are an awesome way show some love and support to other blogs and to get introduced to new blogs all through pinning.

Pinterest is such a huge resource for inspiration and great ideas for me, it only makes sense for me to participate in these Pin It Parties!

The other bloggers participating in the “party” have selected 5 “pin-worthy” blog posts of their own to feature.  To make it easy for you to find everyone in the party (and hopefully some amazing pins!), we have added our links to Lindsay’s blog.

Head on over to the Lean Green Bean to see all of the participating blogs and their suggested pins and feel free to pin anything that catches your eye or inspires you!

If you aren’t already following me on Pinterest, you can follow me on Pinterest by clicking the link!

Here are 5 of my posts that I would like to see more of on Pinterest:

sweet potato scramble

3 ingredient energy bars text

Butternut Squash Soup via Treble in the Kitchen blog

Sweet potato smoothie via Treble in the Kitchen

Tips for Bodypump

Make sure to head over to the Lean Green Bean to check out all the other fun posts to pin!

Happy pinning!

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  1. Lots of yummy meals there! Loving the scramble! I need some new breakfast ideas to fuel up my running. The energy bars look great too! I just love food too much! Good job I run 70 miles a week 🙂

  2. Your sweet potato smoothie recipe inspired me to make one for my afternoon snack. Did it a bit more simple though; sweet potato, 1/2 scoop pb cookie dough protein powder, spinach, water & xanthan gum.