Our First Registering Experience

Saturday, Brian and I had a day full of wedding activities.

After teaching Bodypump, I quickly came home to shower and put on regular clothes for the day.  Brian and I were planning on heading to quite a few places to tackle some things on our wedding to-do list.

The first stop of the day was actually for lunch 😉

We were both starving and more than ready for a tasty meal.  We stopped at the Illinois Street Food Emporium, which is right next door to our florist.

Illinois Street 2I ended up getting a sandwich, which is actually very out of the ordinary for me.  It sounded good, though, so I went ahead and ordered the Health #2 sandwich.

Illinois Street 1Sandwiched between two slices of whole wheat bread my sandwich contained sprouts, tomato, havarti cheese, cucumber, and avocado.  Boy, was it delicious!  I was so glad that I ordered something out of the ordinary.

Brian and I were actually running a bit late for an appointment with our florist.  Luckily, our florist is very cool and relaxed and allowed us to eat our lunch during our meeting.

Illinois Street 3After catching up with our florist, it was time for Brian and I to begin the process of registering for our wedding gifts!

Brian and Tara

We decided to start with Macy’s.  A couple of our friends registered at Macy’s and explained to us that they had really great discounts, coupons, and rewards for couples who register with them.  Brian and I both love a good deal, and Macy’s are located just about everywhere so for us Macy’s was a good option.

We met with our wedding registry consultant who did an amazing job of showing us where everything was located in the store, explaining how to use the “gun,” and letting us have some independence.

Brian was in charge of the gun.


I was in charge of the clipboard and checking everything off of the list.

Tara gift registry

At first, Brian and I were so overwhelmed and felt a bit unprepared.  Although we had printed out our list of potential items to register for, we had not really shopped around to decide on exactly what items we wanted.  After we got moving and started to select the first couple of bigger ticket items for the registry, we felt much more at ease and just went with the flow and enjoyed the process of selecting the items that we will use as we start our lives together.

I have to give a shout out to Allison, our registry attendant.  Brian and I felt completely independent and in control during the entire registry process, but as soon as we would have a puzzled look on our faces (we had no idea where to begin with the China!) Allison would just pop in and ask if we needed any assistance.  She would provide the exact advice that we were looking for, and she would leave and not show up again until we needed her.  It was great!

After a couple hours of registering at Macy’s we grabbed a quick dinner in the food court of the mall before heading to another mall to register at Crate & Barrel.

Tara gift registry 2Our attendent at Crate & Barrel was also amazing and had her ways of just being there exactly when we needed her, but I will say that I am glad that we went to Macy’s first.  Macy’s did a much more thorough job of explaining the entire process while Crate & Barrel basically just handed us the gun and said “go right ahead and register!”

Even still, our questions were answered, we were able to check several items off of our printed list and add them to our registry wish list, and we enjoyed the process!

When we finished, Brian and I were pooped.  Registering for gifts is a lot more exhausting than I would have thought!  Although we were tired and pretty much ready to hit the hay, Butler (our alma mater) was playing Ganzaga and the game did not start until 9pm.  We used this opportunity to meet up with Caitlin and Dave and watch the very exciting game (we ended up winning!)

Caitlin and Dave

Brian and Tara 2We shared a couple of drinks, Brian and I shared some cheesy breadsticks (yum!), and we really enjoyed the evening.

Pearl StreetSunday

Sunday, I really wanted to prepare for the week as it is looking pretty busy and planning ahead makes it so much easier for me to eat healthy.

I spent the morning cooking and chopping veggies, and packed up my lunch as well as Brian’s lunch for today.

packed lunches

Because I have a feeling I will be short on time this week, I packed up four extra lunches so that I can grab and go later this week.  The task was a bit monotonous, but I know that I will be thankful when it comes time to pack lunches!

packed lunches 2

Question of the Morning:

  • Do you pack all of your lunches ahead of time, or do you just pack it the night before?
  • How do you stay on track during a busy week?

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  1. I am just so happy for you & Brian. I love that everything is coming together so well. I already can’t wait for your wedding to get here already. I can only imagine that it’s going to be beautiful.