October Date Night (or day…)

Sunday, I treated Brian to his October date night (even though it wasn’t night)!

October date

It’s hard to believe that there are only two more surprises left in our date night box, but we have enjoyed every single minute of date time.

If you are new to Treble in the Kitchen, you can read more about my Christmas present to Brian last year here.  🙂

This date was a brunch/lunch date to one of our favorite restaurants:  Cafe Patachou.

October date 5

The weather could not have been more perfect for sitting outside.  It is hard to believe that it is the middle of October.  Normally, we would be bundled in layers this time of year.

Our meal was delicious (as always) and we both enjoyed two of our favorite dishes…nothing new on the table this time!

October date 4

I enjoyed one of my favorite salads of all time:  Winter Ensalada Fresca.  This salad is a bed of romaine topped with chickpeas, black beans, red onion, roasted butternut squash, cucumber, and feta.  (I actually recreated this salad at home. Recipe here!)

October date 2

On the side, I enjoyed a cappuccino.  It sounded good, considering these were a daily occurrence for Brian and me while we were in Italy.  It wasn’t exactly the same, but it hit the spot all the same.

October date 3

I didn’t snap a pic of Brian’s dish, but he enjoyed the broken yolk sandwich with avocado and bacon….you can see it in the background of the cappuccino pic 😉

It was so fun to switch things up and have a date in the middle of the day!  Now, we can’t wait to see what NEXT MONTH’S date is.

Question of the Day:

  • What is one of your most favorite dates you have been on?

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  1. Umm, I’ll have what Brian had, please! Anything with runny yolk is avocado is a win win for me! Favorite date? Oh boy, it’s been so long. I would say my first date with my husband (lame, I know, but it was truly magical!)

  2. Love this place, my fave 🙂 Dan always gets the Broken Yolk sandwich!

    My favorite date was a surprise date – I had no idea and Dan randomly told me to put on a swimsuit and old clothes – we went canoeing all afternoon in Indy! fun, relaxing, sun time, and just us chatting!

  3. Such a fun idea!!! Day dates and especially brunch dates are my favourite. There’s a restaurant in NYC called ABC Kitchen which was by far the best date restaurant I have ever been to. I not-so-secretly hinted at my BF that if he ever decided to propose he may want to consider doing it there LOL

  4. What a delicious sounding salad. Going to check out your re-creation after I leave this comment. I hope you don’t mind but I’ve been using your Christmas present idea myself in planning Joshua’s gift. I just started planning, and it’s been such a blast! Can’t thank you enough for the inspiration =) Have a fantastic day, Tara!