Treble in the Kitchen follows my life, and features my friends and family quite often! Below is a list of the names and faces you will see on the blog 🙂
Brian and I got engaged April 2, 2011 and were married on July 5, 2013.
We met during the second semester of my sophomore year at Butler University, and shortly after we met knew we were going to be together until the end. Brian has a great sense of humor and really is my other half :
Brian graduated from Indiana University School of Dentistry in May 2014 and is now an Orthodontics resident at the University of Colorado. He loves to travel, be with friends, have a great time, and eat whatever I’m cookin’! He is the best taste-tester in all the land and never hesitates to tell me when things taste a little too “healthy.” 🙂
Brenna is my younger sister. She lives in Denver and works as a hair stylist at a wonderful salon in the downtown area.
She has always been into hair and makeup and loves doing things with a little bit of edge and sass! I love getting pampered by her…which is weird because growing up I would never let her touch my hair or makeup. Somethings change as you get older 🙂
Growing up Brenna was probably the pickiest eater I know. One week she would love chicken, the next she would hate it…now that we are older she is much more adventurous in the food department. I have learned to know her tastes and how to secretly put healthy spins on some of her favorites.
I love how our friendship has developed over the years, she is a great listener, a dedicated friend, and would do anything to help the people she loves.
Kenny is my brother and youngest sibling. His passion is film-making and acting.
Ken also enjoys experimenting in the kitchen, so when we are home it is fun to plan meals and cook for each other and together! He is the ultimate grill master and would probably attempt to grill anything.
When Bren, Ken, and I get together we are certainly a trio….we are all so different, Brenna and Kenny being slightly more “edgy” than myself, but there is certainly never a dull moment. We all have a love of music and performing, and love rocking out to Broadway tunes when we are in the car together.
Mom is a strong woman who is kind and caring, and truly wants the best for everyone.
She loves Les Mills group fitness classes, has completed a half marathon and several other shorter distance races. I love how she is always willing to try new things and is she is working towards a healthy balanced life.
Mom and I are always sharing new recipes with each other, and I love coming home to visit and help her out in the kitchen. She is always there for me with advice about life, and although I might not always want to admit it she is usually right!
Dad does everything with the best intentions, and I am convinced that I caught the health nut bug early because of him.
Growing up, Dad was always reading nutrition labels and educating us on the importance of vitamins and minerals, eating a balanced diet, and getting the right nutrients from the foods we eat.
Because of my Dad, I have a love for vegetables, whole grain bread, and ice cream! Although he would enforce healthy eating during the day, there was usually dessert at night. I think that’s where I got my sweet tooth 🙂
Bernie and Rooney are the most recent additions to the Rochford and Treble in the Kitchen family 🙂
They are both Hungarian Vizslas full of energy and we love them to death 🙂