My First Les Mills Quarterly Experience

Saturday, I spent the entire day completely immersed in the culture of Les Mills at my very first Les Mills Quarterly Event.

quarterly 7Les Mills is the company that provides pre-choreographed group fitness workouts all over the world.  They promote and encourage passion, good health, energy, and overall well-being through fitness.

Each quarter, certified Les Mills instructors receive a new packet of educational material with their pre-choreographed workout, information about the exercises included, and brand new music. The quarterly events are held in regions throughout the country to showcase the most recent class releases with top presenters and instructors (the head honchos) in that region.  This event is for anyone to attend: certified Les Mills instructors, fitness professionals that are certified in other formats, and for fitness enthusiasts!

When I arrived on Saturday, I was so excited and really had no idea what to expect from this day.  After checking in, I made sure to get a spot for the first class of the day…Bodypump.  

quarterly 9I found my place close to the center of the room, and I made sure to mark my territory with my water bottle, lifting gloves and yoga mat, as there were already several people that had their benches reserved.

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quarterly 6Shortly after all of my items were set up, another instructor from my gym arrived.  Luckily, I had saved a spot for him too because the benches were filling up fast!

We decided to take some pictures while we were still fresh, before working out for the entire day 😉

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quarterly 4We completed the most recent release of Bodypump and absolutely LOVED it!  It was amazing to take this class surrounded by so many other people who are as addicted to Bodypump as I am.  The presenters were amazing, the energy was high, and it was the perfect way to start off the day.

quarterly 13After Bodypump, we attended the Bodystep class, Grit Series, and Bodyflow.  Endorphins and adrenaline were running high!

Bodystep was a completely new experience for me, as I have never taken any sort of step class before.  The class was fun, and completely full of energy and pep, but it did require a bit of coordination.  Although it did require a bit of coordination, there were options that made some portions of the workout more “athletic” and less “dancy.”  Either way, it was fun, however I do not think I will be getting certified in Bodystep anytime soon.

quarterly 12After Bodystep, we had the chance to experience the Les Mills Grit Series.  Grit is Les Mills version of a high intensity interval training small group workout.  This is the newest class that Les Mills has to offer, so this was a first time experience for many of the people at this event.  This workout was very intense (especially after completing two workouts before this!), but I honestly loved every second of it!  The coaches took the time to demonstrate the exercises with perfect technique, then walk the floor to correct the participants and motivate face-to-face rather than from the front of the room.  Each session is only 30 minutes, but there is not a second wasted during that 30 minute time period.  I really loved this class and wish that there was a gym in the Indianapolis area that offered it!  I would LOVE to be trained as a coach in this format.

After all of that intense working out, it was then time for Bodyflow, which is a yoga, tai chi, and pilates workout that includes a period of relaxation at the end…it was much needed!

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Once Bodyflow was complete, it was time to refuel our bodies with some much needed lunch.

We took this time to walk around, rest, eat, and talk with other people attending the event.  This is also the time where a lot of people changed their sweaty clothes…unfortunately, I did not have a change of clothes!  My biggest take away from this event was to bring extra clothes!! 🙂

The Quarterly not only included workouts in every format, but there was also an Expo with Les Mills gear and apparel.
quarterly 10

quarterly 1Another instructor that I knew at the event advised me to purchase my shirt before any of the classes even started to make sure that I got the size I wanted…great advice on her part!!!

After lunch the next class offered was Bodycombat.  I have taked Bodycombat several times and absolutely LOVE it, but I wanted to rest up a bit for a new-to-me class that was being offered after Combat…Bodyattack.

quarterly 3Even though I had taken several classes prior to Bodyattack, my energy levels were still high!  With this class, there is no way to NOT have high energy.  This workout was geared towards people who have competition in mind while exercising.  The workout included cardio intervals, strength training, and lots of motivation from the presenters.  I loved the energy that this class exuded!

The final class that I participated in for the day was CXWorx.  This is a 30 minute class that focuses on functional core strength by using body weight, stabilization, weighted, and resistance band exercises.  It was a great way to end the day and after all of the other classes I had participated in, I was able to feel the burn!

I am so happy that I was able to attend this event, meet people that love Les Mills as much as I do, and try all of the different formats.

I can’t wait to attend my next event!

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  1. How fun! I’m about 100% sure I would have been exhausted after all those classes! I did have to laugh when you talked about BodyStep & most likely not getting certified anytime soon… I felt the same way when I took the class, Ha Ha.