Indianapolis 500 Festival Mini Marathon 2014

Saturday, I completed my sixth half marathon!

It’s always an emotional and amazing feeling when I cross the finish line, but Saturday’s race was EXTRA special because I was able to cross that finish line with my sister 🙂

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I picked up my packet and shirt on Thursday night and I even set out my race day clothing and gear because on Friday night, Brian and I were going to be out late at his dental school graduation party.

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I ended up waking up around 6am on Saturday feeling tired, but I knew that soon my adrenaline would kick in and I would have the energy to get through the race.

I made a good breakfast for Brenna and I to enjoy, we double checked that we had all the right gear and we were out the door by 7am!

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Brian and I live downtown just about a mile and a half from the start of the race, so we hopped on the Pacers Bikeshare and rode to Washington Street where the race was starting.

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It was a little bit chilly at the start, so we found an indoor bathroom which allowed us to warm up a bit.  Thank goodness!

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This was the first year the Indianapolis Mini Marathon did “wave” starts.  I think the wave starts were intended to alleviate congestion at the starting line, and it may have done that but I kind of had a skewed perspective.  This year, I started at a different place than I normally would since I was running with my sister.  So, I’m not sure how the wave starts changed things, but at least it didn’t have a negative effect on the event!

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This year, I knew things would be VERY different for me while completing this race.  Not only was I going at a much different pace than I would if I was completing the race on my own, but I truly go to experience the race.  I didn’t have my headphones in, I didn’t have a goal time in mind, it wasn’t about ME at all!  I was just there to enjoy and motivate my sister.

I was able to be aware of my surroundings, and it was so great!

As we ran by the zoo, I noticed the elephants.

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I was able to enjoy and laugh at all the fun race signs.  (All the Hunger Games signs were my favorite!)

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I was able to appreciate all of the fun musical groups that lined the race course.

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Most importantly, I was able to document all of the cool things that were along the race.  This would be a picture of my sister entering the Indianapolis Motor Speedway where the Indy 500 takes place.

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As we were running along the Speedway, I saw people actually stop walking and running to kneel down and kiss the ground.

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I was so confused! I had never seen anyone actually STOP during a race for anything other than an injury.  Turns out, those bricks are a pretty big piece of Indianapolis Motor Speedway history and it is a tradition to kiss the bricks 🙂

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My sister was doing SO great, but by the end she was getting tired.  Once we saw the checkered flags I knew the finish line was near.

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We pushed each other during what seemed like the LONGEST mile to get to that finish line.

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I could not be more proud of my sister for completing her first half marathon, and I feel so honored and special that I was able to do it with her 🙂

We both got a little teary eyed as we crossed the finish.

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As soon as we crossed the finish line, we happily picked up our race medals.

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It was definitely a race to remember. Congratulations, Brenna!! You are amazing!!!!

Question of the Day:

  • Did you run the Indy Mini?  If so, did you enjoy the race?
  • Do you get emotional when you cross the finish line of a race?

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  1. It was such a fun race to do! I didn’t get too emotional until my dad (who doesn’t run at all) said that he wants me to help him train for a 5k race this summer! I was so happy to have inspired him.

  2. I am signing up to make that my goal after the twins arrive for next Spring!! I have run it 9 times thus far, so I have to round that out to 10, right?

    SOOO proud of your sister!I always get emotional on anything half marathon or more…my 2 full marathons I was a sobbing mess 🙂

  3. This is amazing and so special! Congrats Brenna (and you too Tara). I would love to run with my sister one day. And I also love that you were really able to enjoy the race and just run 🙂 way to go you two!!