I’m Employed!

Today has been a whirlwind of a day!!!

First, let’s back track to last night to take a look at this little gem.

Brian and I decided we were in the mood for a little treat, so we went to Yogulatte.  We decided to share, but I got the lucky job of filling the cup and sampling all the flavors.  In our bowl I went for the peanut butter fro yo, cheesecake fro yo, and pistachio, topped with granola, some almonds, peanuts, and a little peanut butter…do you think I was craving some peanut butter? 😉 It certainly hit the spot.


This morning, I woke up bright and early to hit my long run for the week.  8 was on the schedule, but I had a very important meeting to attend, so I had to cut it short at 6.  It still felt great though!  It was so nice to get it done and over with before 7:30am.

I then quickly got ready and headed to my important meeting, which just happened to be a job interview.  I had a feeling that things went pretty well, so I stopped at Starbucks to treat myself to a mocha light frappuccino.  Yummm.

I then came home, talked with Brian and my parents about the interview, started making my grocery list when my phone rang….


I am now officially an employed college graduate, and I am very excited about it 🙂


Even though I was so excited, Brian and I still had zero food in the pantry…so to the grocery I went.

And because my eating schedule was all wacked out today, I ate a super early, but delicious dinner.  I made myself a salad with lettuce, tuna, broccoli, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, and reduced fat feta cheese.  I know you can’t see all of that goodness in there…but believe me, it is in there.


Now, I am off to teach a Friday evening spinning class!


Have a great weekend!

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  1. Congratulations on the job! I was so thrilled when I was offered my first post-uni job that I actually cried down the phone at my now-boss. I don’t know if he knew I was crying or if he just thought I had a cold (I tried not to sniff too much!) but it was a hard slog to get a job, much less the one I actually wanted! Well done!