I Passed and Had the Best Weekend Ever

For those who don’t know, Body Pump is the original barbell class that works eight major muscle groups (quads, glutes/hamstrings, chest, back, triceps, biceps, abdominals, and shoulders) to fatigue in one hour, all set to awesome, popular, motivating music.  This weekend, I attended my initial training module to become a Body Pump instructor.

Going into this past weekend, I honestly had no idea what to expect.  After going through such difficult training to work on the cruise ship, I thought that I could make it through just about anything.  But after talking with a couple of people who are way more experienced than me in the fitness industry and actually have Body Pump certifications, they made it sound like the weekend was going to be the toughest thing that I had ever done in my life, the trainers would eat me alive, and I would be lucky if I scraped by with a “Pass Withheld” meaning I would have to do a little extra training before I could send in my video.

With all of this going on in my head, I was pretty nervous.  I started Saturday with a little Starbucks (I used my free birthday coupon 😉 ) and some overnight oats to give me plenty of fuel for this physically active weekend.

Upon arrival, I immediately noticed that it was all girls…except for two boys.  I was honestly pretty surprised by this at first, but then I realized that most participants are girls in the group fitness setting so it made since.  Also, it wasn’t hard to realize that everyone was nervous.  None of us had a clue as to what we should expect…even the people who had done previous Les Mills certifications.

The very first thing we did was take the master class.  This was taught by our training facilitator, and two facilitators in training.  This was seriously the best group fitness class that I have ever taken.  Everyone was responding to the instructors’ cues and questions.  We were all cheering and singing along with the songs, it was awesome.  It basically felt like a live workout concert.

All in all, this weekend was amazing.  It was inspiring, it was motivational.  We worked on technique, cueing, how to motivate our classes, how to make our classes feel special, and our own fitness level.  I thought I loved Body Pump before this weekend, but now I am obsessed!


And good news…

I PASSED the training module.  I didn’t receive a pass withheld, I passed all the way.  That means that I only have to team teach four times (which I will probably do more) and then I can submit my video to receive FULL certification, and my first team teaching session is tomorrow morning.  I couldn’t be more excited.

I am so happy that I completed this training, and I cannot wait to begin my Body Pump and Les Mills career.

After I found out I passed, I immediately came back home.  Brian and I then headed out straight to his parent’s house to celebrate my birthday.

Everyone had burgers, but Brian’s dad specifically made me cod with roasted peppers and onions.  It was delicious and much needed nourishment after such a physically active weekend 🙂

Brian’s mom also made delicious strawberry cupcakes with homemade strawberry icing.  I felt like I could have eaten about three of them, but somehow contained myself to one.


Waking up at 6am today was like a treat after waking up at 4am and 5am this weekend for training.  I honestly expected not to be able to move this morning because this weekend we completed 4 Body Pump classes, a technique Boot Camp, and the Body Pump challenge (in which I probably lifted more weight than I ever have before!).  Yet, my body is not any more sore than usual!  I still plan on taking the day off from weight lifting and cardio, and I plan on attending a yoga class this evening.  I am expecting it to be very relaxing.

I started my day with some overnight oats in a jar.  They were delicious as usual.  One of my favorite things about eating the oats from a jar is scraping the last bits of peanut butter off of the bottom of the jar and having be like a little surprise underneath the oatmeal on my spoon.  What can I say?  I love peanut butter.

Because I had such a full weekend, I have to do some errand-type things today, like grocery shopping.  Brian and I are about out of food!  I am also volunteering everyday this week except for Friday at the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra to help them prepare for the Maestro Open event this coming Monday.

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend, and is ready to start this week off right!

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  1. I’m so glad to have come across the blog! It helped ease my anxiety a little bit. I am attending training tomorrow!! I’m super excited/nervous! I’ve practiced my two assigned tracks a whole lot and I think I’m ready. Hopefully I will be able to offer something different than usual, since I’m only 17 years old and attending training 🙂 Wish me luck!!!

  2. Whew. So glad I found your site. I was in search of anything to ease my nervous for initial body pump training this weekend. I’ve never instructed but have a huge passion for body pump. Reading all the comments make me feel better. I have this vision that when I enter those doors that trainees will be professional instructors. But obviously I need to get over that. Need to keep in kind it’s an initial training for whole group!!

    • That is so completely true, and I am glad you found the blog to help ease your nerves too! I honestly felt like I was in the minority because I was an experienced instructor. There is no need to worry, just be yourself and have fun. The trainers will help you where you need it and compliment you on the things you do well. You will rock!!

  3. Hi there! I have been doing Body pump and combat regularly for the past 6 months (as a participant. At times I can go up to 5 times for combat and 3 for pump /week).I am pretty interested in attending the module training..however I read some online journals that they have been doing pump/combat as a participant for 2-4 before attending the module training. Is it too early for me to register for the module training? Or should I be participating in more classes before i go for the module training?

    Thank you!

    • Hey! I thought I replied a couple of days ago, but I am not seeing it in the history. Basically, what it comes down to is your fitness level and how comfortable you are in front of a crowd. I only had a little over a months worth of classes before I went into training, but I was physically fit and I had experience with teaching and performing…so I had no problem getting up in front of others. It sounds like you are pretty fit attending all of those classes, but it is completely up to you! Maybe speak with the group fitness coordinator at your gym to see if there is a need, and see if he or she can help get you ready if you need a little extra boost in one area or another! 🙂 Good luck!

  4. I just came across your blog in my search for anything that would tell me what to expect at my Initial Instructor Body Pump training this weekend! I am super nervous! I’ve taken the class religiously for 4 years now but have never taught a class in my life! I’m glad to hear of your positive experience and cannot wait to post my face with an “I PASSED” smile!!

    • I completely understand the nerves! There are going to be so many people just like you at the training. I can honestly say that I was kind of the odd ball with all of my teaching experience. Just keep in mind that the trainers WANT you to succeed and have fun with it! You will LOVE Body Pump even more after you have completed the training!