HealthysELF and Blog Improvement Progress

Good morning!

I sure hope that all of you had a great Monday 🙂

My monday started off with a sweaty group fitness class, led by yours truly, a shower at the gym, then breakfast at my desk at the office.  Breakfast yesterday was a bowl of Chobani Greek yogurt with bananas and blueberries, plus a little side of thick, hot , plain oats.  breakfastI didn’t originally plan on eating the oats with my yogurt, but I was a little bit more hungry than I had planned.  Thank goodness I work at a place that serves breakfast in the mornings!


Work seemed to fly by, although I was not the least bit motivated yesterday and I just wanted to work on blogging and fitness stuff.  Oh well!  By the time I got home, Brian was studying away in our little study office and we were both pretty darn hungry.  The meal on last night’s menu was a tried and true staple:  Mexican.

dinnerI had a giant salad of romaine and spinach topped with a Boca veggie burger, bell pepper, banana peppers, salsa, celery, red onion, and the star of the meal….guacamole.  Seriously, I just can’t get enough of that stuff!!

Blog Improvement Challenge

After dinner, Brian went back to studying, and I kind of got to studying.  I started to work on my Blog Improvement Challenge modules for February.  Because of the move and wedding and everything else going on, I honestly had not looked at everything since January!!  I went over my blogging stats, read over the learning materials, and did a couple of audits on my blog to make sure that links were working properly.

blog improvement challengeEvery time I go to work on my “homework” for this improvement challenge, I fall in love with it even more.  I really love how thoughtful it is making me become in regards to my blog and how knowledgable it is making me about blogging in general.  Thank you, Rita, for a great challenge!


In addition to working on my blog, I also got a “nagging task” done in our new apartment.  This past weekend, I joined the HealthysELF group created by Lindsay of The Lean Green Bean and Elle from Nutritionella.  The goal of HealthysELF is to help everyone stay on track with overall health and wellness, physically and mentally.  There are three weekly challenges that come on Monday, Thursday, and the weekend.  My first challenge:

Tackle a nagging task.


When I saw this, I honestly did not know what task I would complete, but when I asked Brian for suggestions he had no problem giving me a couple of things that needed to get done.

The task I set out to complete:  organize our hallway storage.

Sorry about the blurry iPhone pics!!!


healthyself 1After:

healthyself 2I was able to remove everything that had accumulated on top of the cabinets and organize the inside.  Man, did it feel good to get this task tackled!

One cabinet has books and fitness stuff like my foam roller:

healthyself 3One cabinet has medicine/vitamins, gift wrapping stuff, and computer supplies:

healthyself 4The final cabinet has cleaning supplies and tools:

healthyself 5The challenge for Thursday is to make a green smoothie.  That challenge will be slightly easier than tackling a nagging task, and despite the frigid weather, I am looking forward to it!

kale smoothieOf Possible Interest:

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    • So true!! We had it because Brian requested it. When he did, I said that it seems like that is all he ever requested. He said he requested it because it ALWAYS tastes great!! 🙂 and it means we get guacamole!

  1. That’s wonderful to hear you’re getting so much out of the challenge 🙂 You have inspired me to dive into my closet with all that organization. If I’m not back in a day or two, send help 😉