Happy Monday!

Yesterday was truly a productive day, just as I had hoped that it would be!

I was able to go for a run, grocery shop, and prepare snacks and food for the rest of the week.

The Groceries

It was fun trip because I got to use my reusable grocery bag that my grandma made for me!  I got so many compliments on it while I was at the store.

It is made out of very durable mesh that literally expands to basically double the size so you can fit a TON of groceries in it.  And the fact that it is super cute is another great factor 😉

Last Night’s Dinner

For dinner last night, I thought I would try out the Romertopf clay pot cooker that my mom gave me.  She showed me how to make a delicious, nutritious, and easy meal of fish and veggies so I thought I would do the same.

I soaked the clay pot for 10 minutes, just as the directions stated:

I then placed green beans, broccoli, and onion on the bottom and topped the veggies with two fillet of haddock.  It smelled delicious while cooking, but when I pulled it out the veggies were not bright, fresh, and crisp.  They looked more soggy and wilty…so I think I overcooked them.  Luckily it still tasted great!!


Next time it will turn out better 😉

After dinner, Brian and I spent the evening reading the Hunger Games.  Seriously, that book is addicting!!!  I honestly feel like we could sit and read it all at one time…if I could stay awake… We are making our way through slowly but surely, I can’t wait to finish it and see the movie.



This morning, I woke up on the right side of the bed, ready to conquer the day.  I started the morning with a little ab routine to wake up the tummy muscles.  I am attending a group fitness class later in the day at Butler and plan on doing a little run for some cardio beforehand.

I then made myself a bowl of protein oats with a sliced apple.  I am feeling ready to knock down my to-do list for the day.

I hope that everyone has a happy Monday and isn’t suffering too much from a weekend of St. Patrick’s Day fun!!

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