Glade Expressions…So Good You Could Eat It!

On my way home from work yesterday, I had to stop at the store to pick up a couple of odds and ends.  One of the odds and ends ended up being my Glade Expressions diffuser and fragrance mist.  I had heard of these sleek looking air fresheners, and I recently joined the BzzCampaign to see how great this product actually is for myself.  As part of the campaign, I received a voucher for my own diffuser kit and my own fragrance mist as well as several coupons.

I went to the store last night hoping to pick up the fugi apple and cardamom spice scented kit, but unfortunately they were sold out.  I picked up the pineapple mangosteen as a second option, admittedly a little bit nervous about the tropical scent.

Not to worry though, this scent smells amazing.  I sprayed a small amount in the kitchen of Brian’s parent’s house, and the first thing his mom said was “I could eat that!  What is that smell.”  It smells that good.  The scent is not overbearing, and lingers for a long time.

The diffuser was easy to set-up, and started to showcase the tropical scent right away.  I am excited to have our home smelling beautiful and welcoming.

 After arriving home from the store, I got to work on a small crafty treat for work.  Today is our quarterly sales meeting and it is at the hotel that I work at.  I am also giving two presentations, so I simply had  to make little goodies to pass out!

I simply placed some Hershey’s Pot of Gold chocolate into a little baggie, tied a little ribbon around it, and attached a little card saying “Keep your eye on the gold!”  A little chocolate inspiration 🙂

 I then got to work on some mini brownie bites to pass during my other presentation.  These little brownie bites were wrapped up with a card stating “Hope these tips help you earn some brownie points with your top accounts!”  Gotta love a little play on words.

But before I get to any sales meetings or presentations today, I teach my Thursday morning Boot Camp class!!  Here is what we did in week 4 of the class (I can’t believe I have been teaching it for a month!)

 Another good and sweaty workout.  I just love those cross body snatches!! They really work the entire upper body.

Hope you all have a great Thursday…it’s almost  the weekend.

Of Possible Interest

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