Friday in a Nutshell and the Foodie Blogroll!

I had a pretty eventful Friday…here is what went on (in a nutshell πŸ˜‰ )

I was invited to be a member of Foodie Blogroll!!

Foodie Blogroll is a blogging community that features different blogs each week, allows members to participate in exclusive promotions with various food companies, and is a great way for food bloggers to connect with other food bloggers. I am so excited to be a part of this community, and I can’t wait to be involved in my first promotion.

Lunch Date

Yesterday, Brian showed me just how great of a fiance he was by stopping by the hotel to take me out to an unplanned lunch date!


It was very unexpected, but much needed. Β Panera was our restaurant of choice. Β Seriously, I don’t think that I could ever get sick of that place.


My lunch was one of the You Pick Two combos including the vegetable soup with pesto, and the Thai chopped chicken salad…sans the chicken. Β So good, I need to figure out how to make that salad at home!


After we were finished with our lunch, we ran next door to Bed Bath and Beyond to pick up a wedding gift for the wedding we are attending later today. Β Unfortunately, we had to order the gift to be delivered to the couple, but luckily they had a coupon code that I could text to receive on my smart phone! Β Gotta love savin’ some moolah πŸ˜‰



My work day ended with a meeting downtown. Β Since my workout scheduled for the day was my long run for the week, I totally took advantage of this and made sure to pack workout attire.

I stopped by one of the gyms I teach at to change, then headed out along my usual path. Β Sadly, I didn’t charge my Garmin last night and she died about .2 miles in…so I think I ran just about 6 miles.


I got pretty thirsty along the way and forgot to bring my mini water bottle, so I stopped at a hotel and creeped around until I found this little beauty. Β It was glorious!



After the run, I was pretty hungry and so thankful that I had leftovers from last night’s salmon patties. Β Even though they weren’t perfect, they were still a tasty and quick dinner. Β I just added a side of green beans and called it a day!


Ella’s Frozen Yogurt

The other day, Brian and I stopped by a friend’s on our way home just for a moment to say hi and see her new house. Β On the way we drove past this cute little frozen yogurt shop!


We didn’t stop then, but I knew we would be making a trip in the very near future. Β Ella’s Frozen Yogurt was decorated so cute, the toppings were displayed perfectly making Brian and me want to try each one, the staff was incredibly friendly giving us samples and recommendations, they had live music, and special discounts every day of the week! They had a live band playing outside too. Not to mention the frozen yogurt tasted delicious!

Topping Station:


More Toppings:


Even More Toppings:


Tara’s Creation: Β 1/2 Snickerdoodle and 1/2 Cake Batter Frozen Yogurt topped with granola, peanut butter drizzle and a few cookie dough bites to snack on in the car.


Brian’s Creation: Β 1/2 Cake Batter and 1/2 Strawberry frozen yogurt with cheesecake bites, butterfingers, strawberries, and peanut butter drizzle.


The best part about the whole thing was that it only cost $5!! Friday’s promotion is 40% off for students, and Brian and I completely took advantage of that discount. Β A delicious Friday night treat!


This morning, I woke up pretty hungry, so I immediately ran upstairs to make myself a delicious strawberry protein smoothie bowl (strawberries, almond milk, Sunwarrior protein powder, spinach, ice and water, raw oats, and a bit of peanut butter on top).

It totally hit the spot!


Now, it’s time to review some Body Pump before teaching my class later this morning. Β I hope you all have a great Saturday!

Question of the Morning?

  • What were your Friday night plans?
  • Anyone else eat some fro yo? (or ice cream??)
  • What is your favorite Fro Yo topping??

My absolute all time favorite fro yo topping would be….granola! Β I love the crunch, the sweetness, everything about it. Β Yum!

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  1. Ah there is so much amazingness((yes i realie that’s not a word haha)) going on in this post. I’m completely jealous of both your panera bread lunch date & frozen yogurt. You have a wonderful fiance, so never let him go. Great job on getting in those 6 miles, you’re such a rockstar! Oh & you look adorable in the picture. Love the top!

  2. Haha I definately had vanilla fro yo with granola ( my favorite topping as well) last night! Using random bathrooms/water fountains is one of the joys of being a runner haha.