Five Things Friday 9.26.2014

Happy Friday!!

It’s officially fall…but it still feels like summer around here.  How does it feel where you live?

It’s strange because a couple of weeks ago, I was worried because I totally wasn’t ready for fall yet.  I wanted to cling to every last ounce of summer left, but now I am SO ready and excited for fall.  I want wear scarves and boots and feel the chill in the air as I drink hot coffee in the mornings 🙂  Doesn’t that just sound lovely?

Tonight, Brian and I have a little date night and I am super excited!  Nothing super fancy, just doing something similar to what we did for our February Date Night only we are getting take out (Brian’s choice) and watching a movie.  It will be so nice to spend some time with each other one on one 🙂  Then, tomorrow we are going to see the fall aspen trees in Vail, CO.   It’s supposed to be absolutely gorgeous.  We can’t wait!

Alright, so here it is…my Five Things Friday!  (It’s been forever since I last posted one of these!!)

Five Things I Ate:

  • Hot pumpkin egg white oats with iced coffee that had pumpkin spice sprinkled in it (can ya guess that I love all things pumpkin!?)  Some of you requested this recipe, so next time I make it, I’ll do some measuring so you can make it too!

pumpkin egg white oats

  • Delicious lunch salad:  spinach, romaine, cucumber, tomato, sun dried tomato, chickpeas, chicken, salt, pepper, garlic, basil leaves and lemon juice…yum!


  • A failed attempt at cauliflower cakes.  I had such a great vision in mind, but I don’t think the end result had enough binding agent in it…so back to the drawing board!


  • Green smoothie and almond milk latte…perfection!

smoothie and latte

  • This hummus…it’s so amazing! If you love curry, you will love this stuff.  I just ate it with veggies, but I am thinking it would be good to use in a meal….the wheels are turning as I think of ways I can use this stuff…(and it’s from a local Boulder, CO company!!)

hope hummus

Five Workouts:

  • Barre—love the burn!

barre class

  • 5 mile run–longest Colorado run yet!


  • Cardio HIIT
  • Boot Camp
  • Yoga

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • Sizzlefish!!!  Have you guys heard of it?  It is single-serving portion, high-quality fish that is shipped directly to your door.  I received a generous package in exchange for a review and a recipe…so something tasty will be coming your way soon!


  • I love this quote!! I feel like I have been saying YES to a lot of various commitment lately but they are all making me super happy…so even though I feel a little frantic I’m in a great mood 🙂


  • Brian and I are having our second visitors this coming week and we couldn’t be more excited!  Talk about feeling frantic…I feel like there are a million and one things I need/want to do before they arrive.  Wish me luck!!!
  • Opening up about my future and what is going on with me right now.  I am so thankful for the positive and encouraging responses I received from many of you and can’t thank you enough for it! I know I don’t get too mushy-gushy/emotional over here, but it’s nice to know that you guys support me when I get a little more personal.  THANKS!!!
  • Date night! I know I already mentioned it above, BUT I’m pretty excited and happy about tonight 🙂

Posts I Have Loved:

Previous Five Things Friday Posts:

Your Turn!

  • What has made you smile this week?

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  1. That hummus sounds amazing! I’m so ready for some chilly days, sitting around a little fire with some warm coffee……but here in Florida I’ve got a while to wait 🙁