Five Things Friday 7.11.2014

Happy 7-11 day!

I’m not sure if that’s a thing, but it is 7/11 🙂

I hope the week has been great for all of you.  Honestly, this week kind of flew for me and I can’t believe this is the last Friday I will work at my current job.  This week, I have kept myself busy in the evenings by spending time preparing for the move and working on blog projects.

I know that everything will all fall into place, but right now I kind of feel like I am treading water as hard as I can and barely keeping my head dry.  The move is getting closer and closer, and there are many things that must happen leading up to the big move.  I’m excited, anxious, nervous…but overall I know it will be great. 🙂

Anyways…enough about that!

Let’s take a look at my week with Five Things Friday hosted by the lovely Clare of Fitting it All in.

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

  • Yummy lunch salad that I forgot to take a picture of!  Salad contained:  Romaine, spinach, artichokes, bell pepper, cauliflower, carrots, celery, hardboiled egg, and dressing of dijon mustard, white wine vinegar, salt, and pepper.
  • Salmon Stuffed Bell Pepper

salmon stuffed peppers

  • Mexican-style dinner salad:  romaine, spinach, sweet potato, bell pepper, carrots, black bean sweet potato burger, salsa, onion, nutritional yeast.


  • Lunch of salmon cakes, veggies, and hummus (I am loving fresh green beans with hummus!)

lunch salmon cakes

  • I guess you could call this dinner tempeh stir-fry.  This bowl consisted of tempeh, green beans, sweet potato, spinach, and hummus.  Sounds kind of strange but tasted great!


Five Workouts:

  • Indoor Cycling
  • HIT Class
  • Yoga
  • Kettlebells
  • Bodypump

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • Heading to Fort Wayne after work tonight!  Mom and I are going to hang out at the Three Rivers Festival Parade tomorrow, and I am hoping the weather holds out.  This is something we used to do every single year growing up, but it’s been probably two years since we have gone recently.  I am trying to soak up as much family time as possible before the big move, so this weekend should be fun 🙂
  • Blogging projects!  While it honestly seems like all blog projects decide to happen at the same time, it’s fun!! I’m trying to stay organized and balanced with everything, so be on the lookout for some fun posts and recipes soon!
  • Visiting our new city.  I am so thankful Brian and I had the chance to visit Denver last weekend, and I am so thankful that we enjoyed it so much!  Being able to visualize the city and it’s people, and know how it feels to be there is making us super excited for the move which is giving us more energy to get the packing, organizing, painting, etc that needs to be done BEFORE the move 🙂

Touring Denver

  • Switching up my workouts.  While I love teaching (and can’t wait to get that figured out in Denver!!) It was nice this week to switch things up a bit, add in a cycling class, and not worry about leading the group.  Sometimes it’s nice to take a mental break.

indoor cycling

Posts I Have Loved:

Previous Five Things Friday Posts:

I hope you have a great weekend, friends!

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    • I love “pinspiration” for workouts. Have you tried any group fitness classes? That usually helps me get out of a funk!