Five Things Friday 6.6.2014

Hey guys! How has your week been?

I hope it’s been great, sunny, and happy!

This week, I was able to be productive with personal/around the house work-type things after the work day and Brian and I were also able to visit friends who just had a baby.  It was a great balance of work and play 🙂

I think I did a really good job at taking a break when I get home from the work day this week, even though to me it seems there is still a lot to be done…especially with our big move right around the corner!

Anyways, it’s Friday! Five Things Friday to be exact 🙂

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

  • My lunch salad this week was a mixture of romaine and baby kale topped with carrots, bell pepper, onion, tomato, cucumber, egg white, dijon mustard, hummus, white wine vinegar and nutritional yeast.  It definitely hit the spot when lunch rolled around each day.

lunch salad

  • Simple dinners were also really great this week–this meal was baked sweet potato, kale chips, baked portobello mushroom, and baked cod.


  • I switched out my morning frittata for something a little different this week…oats!  It had been a while since I had oats for breakfast, so I decided to add them into my rotation this week.  I mixed oats with a scoop for Perfect Fit protein powder, 1/3 of a banana and blueberries.  It doesn’t look pretty, but it sure tasted great!

breakfast oats

  • Hardboiled egg snack 🙂

hard boiled egg

  • Oh my goodness…talk about a random meal that totally cleans out the fridge.  I literally took every veggie and threw it in two bowls to make a meal for Brian and myself. Thank goodness it tasted good!  My bowl consisted of baby kale, romaine, roasted cauliflower, baked sweet potato, roasted asparagus (the best part!), black bean sweet potato burger, green pepper, onion, leftover kale chips, salsa and nutritional yeast

dinner bowl

Five Workouts:

  • Bodypump
  • 20 minute outdoor tabata workout (thanks for joining us Diti!!)

tabata workout pick a park

  • Kettlebells
  • yoga–after missing my yoga time last week, this week felt EXTRA great!!

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • Upcoming Travel.  Brian and I have a few trips planned out in the next few weeks.  Both of us LOVE to travel, so we are getting very excited!!

June 12:  We head up to Fort Wayne for a friend’s wedding and as a bonus we get some family time with my parents and brother.

June 22:  Brian and I are headed to Myrtle Beach, SC for a family vacation with my family.

July 3:  Brian and I head out to Denver for the first time to scope things out before moving on August 1.

Just felt like throwing in a honeymoon pic for the fun of it…yay for travel!

Honeymoon 16-IMG_0147

  • Singing!  I am singing in the wedding we are going to next weekend and I have loved practicing 🙂  Such a relaxing and fun creative outlet for me.
  • Knocking things off the Indianapolis Bucket List!  Last weekend, we got frozen yogurt at Pearings and we are slowly but surely planning things out so we can continue to knock things off the list 🙂
  • Bring in the news!  Yesterday, I received a message from a local news anchor asking if she could come over to shoot a story on fitness and being healthy 20 minutes before she came over.  Of course I said yes and had a great time doing it!

Check it out…

5 Exercises in 15 Minutes 
13 WTHR Indianapolis

  • Lunch date with Brian!  We aren’t going anywhere special, but Brian has Fridays off so he is meeting me at work so we can eat lunch outside together 🙂  Can’t wait!

brian fish taco 4

Posts I Have Loved:

Previous Five Things Friday Posts:

Questions of the Day:

  • What is something that made your week great?
  • Have you been to Myrtle Beach?  If so, what is something you would recommend my family and I doing?


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  1. It’s so fantastic you have some travel plans lined up! My summer is so disorganized with my masters project starting up that I don’t know if I’ll have time for travel!

    This week was great for me because I graduated from university!

    • Disorganized isn’t all bad 🙂 Sometimes it’s best to just go with the flow! Congratulations on your graduation!

    • I have heard great things about Myrtle Beach, so we are super excited about the trip! Hiking is so fun! Brian and I are headed out hiking tomorrow for a little day time date 🙂

    • We are so excited too!! 🙂 It will be great to see the place where we are living for the next 2 and a half years!