Five Things Friday 5.19.2017

Oh hey there Friday!

How was your week!?  This week was really great thanks to some sunshine and weather that felt just like summer.  I made sure to take advantage of it (and some temporary free time) with long walks with the dogs and Brian, reading outside, running with Bernie, and keeping the doors and windows open when it wasn’t too humid or warm.

This weekend we may get some rain, but if it can hold out long enough Brian and I are planting our food garden!  I’m excited and a little nervous because I really want it to work out and I don’t always have the greenest thumb.

My plan is to grow:

  • Green beans
  • Tomatoes
  • Jalapenos
  • Herbs
  • Zucchini
  • Kale or Romaine

If there are any gardeners out there, any and all tips/advice is welcome!

I hope you all have a great weekend and I’ll catch ya next week!

Five Things Friday from Treble in the KitchenFive Things I Ate:

  • Breakfast this week was eggs with lots of hot sauce and a side of fruit (bananas, berries, grapes, or a combo) topped with sunflower seed butter.

5 Things Friday

  • Nourish Bowls – sauteed kale, steamed carrots with tamari and lemon juice, lentils, brown rice, walnuts, and all topped with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and walnut oil.  Seriously, the flavors in this bowl are SO good.


5 Things Friday

  • Strawberries!! Always a favorite, but I typically wait until summer to purchase them (in the winter I get them frozen) so they are sweet and full of flavor.

5 Things Friday

5 Things Friday

  • Not pictured, but I have been enjoying giant salads for lunch 🙂 Can’t get enough of that fresh produce!

Five Workouts I Did:

  • Ran with Bernie (Brian and I have started training for the Firecracker 6!) (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)

5 Things Friday

  • SWIFT (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  • Long evening walks with Bernie, Rooney and Brian (the best way to spend these warm evenings!)
  • Tabata at NIFS in the park just outside
  • Lots of stretching and foam rolling 😉

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • This shirtGot Almond Milk”
  • Spending time in the yard with the pups.  They are loving this warm weather as much as I am!

Rooney just LOVING life 

5 Things Friday

  • Getting ready to plant our garden…I’m happy and nervous!
  • Into the Water by Paula Hawkins – Brian and I just started reading this on Sunday.  So far so good!
  • The Broad Ripple Art Fair – It’s this Saturday and (weather permitting) we are planning on walking up to the fair with our pups and some friends.  It looks like it should be really fun and have some great things to look at!
  • Garage Sales – I feel weird even typing this because I have never been one to garage sale.  I think that finding hidden gems is a talent that I lack, BUT this year we have seen a couple of neighborhood garage sales with some cute, interesting, and unique stuff and now that we have a house I have places to put that stuff!! I’m excited to see what we stumble upon this year at these garage sales 🙂

Posts I Have Read:

Your Turn!!

  • Share your plans for the weekend! I love hearing them 🙂 

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  1. Ah, I’d love to have a garden someday!! <3 I wish I had tips for you, but I unfortunately do not. I had a tomato plant once but it got savaged by a raccoon. :[

    That Nourish Bowl looks delicious! 😀

  2. We planted a veggie garden for the first time last year and did it really late (4th of July weekend) and still, it all grew wonderfully! Maybe it was beginner’s luck but I think plants are just really resilient so don’t be nervous 🙂