Five Things Friday 4.29.2016

Hey and Happy Friday! (or should I say Fri-YAY!).  This week was slow to start, but now that it’s actually Friday I’m feeling like “where did the week go!?”  I have my second to last final today with one more on Monday.  So far, I’ve done well on all of my previous tests, so I’m hoping those good vibes carry through for these next couple of tests.

This week, I celebrated my birthday on Wednesday (I turned 27!!).

(It’s really hard to get a photo of these balloons in the correct place!)

27th Birthday

27th Birthday

I started the day with a wonderful and super hot yoga class at Yoga Pod, followed by a short jog with Bernie.  I then spent the majority of the day singing with my singing group! (The Denver Dolls with YearRound Sound)

Denver Dolls

When Brian and I both got home, we took Bernie on a little walk to a bakery I’ve been wanting to try called Beet Box.  GUYS…it was SO amazing! I got the carmel pecan brownie (gluten free) and a carrot cake cupcake (also gluten free) for Brian and I to share and literally felt like I was licking the plate clean.  It was that good 🙂

Beet Box Bakery Denver

Beet Box Bakery Denver

This weekend, we have more birthday festivities with our friends!  We will be trying a new-to-us place for dinner followed by an adventure at the Escape Room (has anyone tried it!) followed by dessert at home 🙂

It’s also supposed to snow a bit this weekend, so I imagine that I will do some baking, relaxing and just enjoy being cozy.

Here are some Five Things Friday!

Five Things Friday from Treble in the Kitchen

Five Things I Ate:

Coconut Flour Pancakes

  • This Kale Salad (with grilled chicken and roasted sweet potato fries made by Brian for my birthday)
  • A nourish bowl with lentils, millet, steamed carrots mixed with lemon juice and tamari, and sautéed spinach.

Nourish Bowl

  • A delicious and springy salad (romaine topped with orange slices, blueberries, strawberries, cucumber, carrot, chicken, and quinoa)

Springy salad

  • Delicious baked goods from Beet Box!

Five Workouts I Did:

  • Taught Bodypump
  • Boot Camp
  • Hot Yoga
  • Ran 6 miles with Bernie
  • Tabata (this morning)

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • My birthday! I loved celebrating on Wednesday and I am so glad I get to celebrate again on Saturday.
  • ALMOST being done with finals.
  • Singing with the Denver Dolls.  Those girls are just the best and singing with them is SO fun 🙂
  • Getting my nails done.  I got a birthday manicure with a  very springy pink color, despite the snow coming!
  • Feeling really good and not totally exhausted and dead after my longer runs with Bernie.  I think I’m almost ready for the half!

I haven’t done much blog reading this week, so I don’t have any links to share with ya!

I hope you had a wonderful week and have an even better weekend ahead! Catch ya on Monday!

Your Turn:

  • Share a highlight from your week with me!


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    • The escape room was SO fun!!! It was definitely challenging, but we loved every second of it 🙂

  1. Happy Birthday, Tara! Just the thought of Escape Room is giving me a panic attack but I can’t wait to hear about your experience! Highlight of my week was dinner at Biju’s Little Curry Shop with my sister last night 🙂

    • HA! I have some friends who totally felt the same way about the Escape Room but it was so fun!! And I LOVE curry, I bet that dinner was amazing!

  2. I’ve heard good things about the Escape Room! My husband and I are having a little date night out tonight at our favorite restaurant. I can’t believe you are going to get more snow… It is hot and humid in Dallas, but we are expecting some rain. Have a wonderful weekend celebrating your birthday!!

    • The Escape Room was so fun!! Date nights are the best 🙂 The snow came, but it’s going to be 80 this upcoming week!

  3. So I just looked up your coconut flour pancakes because they sound delish and now I have a question! Have you ever made the batter in a blender? Do you think it’d still work okay? I know coconut flour can be tricky, so I’m not sure…

    • I haven’t tried making them in the blender, but I’m sure it would work. Let me know if you give it a try!

  4. Happy belated birthday! LOVE the ‘pie and latte’ pic. Sounds like a great combo to me too! LOVE the yellow TV stand in your house….I just painted my kitchen with bright colors too!

  5. Happy belated birthday! I really miss singing in a group! :[ It looks like you had (and will be having 😀 ) a ton of fun! I’ve never done the Escape Room thing, but have always been curious! My friends and I have been planning to try one, but so far, no mutually free days (sigh).

    Those pancakes look delicious! <3 Good luck on the rest of your finals!

    • Singing really is the best 🙂 And the Escape Room was so fun!!! You totally need to do it!