Five Things Friday 3.7.2014

Happy weekend!!

Brian and I have some fun and productive things planned for the weekend and I can’t wait for 4pm today to finally kick back and relax πŸ™‚

Time for some Five Things Friday hosted by Clare!

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

This delicious “power bowl” full of greens, cauliflower rice, bell pepper, avocado, and salmon.

power bowl 1

A delicious curry chicken dinner.

curry dinner

Macadamia Cashew Butter…seriously you gotta try this!

macadamia butter

Robyn’s Chocolatey Freezer Fudge. Β Amazing!

freezer fudge

My typical frittata and fruit for breakfast πŸ™‚


Five Workouts:

  • Bodypump
  • Bodycombat
  • Run
  • Yoga
  • 6th workout just for fun…Olympic lifting!

Five Things Making Me Happy:

Brian completed and passed his boards!!! πŸ™‚ Β Such a huge weight is off his shoulders now. Β  Now, it’s pretty much smooth sailing until May graduation.

brian-boards complete

Grocery shopping at Aldi. Β I was SO impressed with their selection of healthy food like their “Organic, Free Range, Low Sodium Chicken Broth.” Β To read more about some of Aldi’s healthy grocery items check out Jen over Peanut Butter Runner’s blog post comparing Aldi to regular grocery stores

aldi chicken broth

New workout gear!!


Trying Nuttzo for the first time.


Week night dinner dates with friends.

dinner at napolese

dinner at napolese

Posts I have Loved:

Happy Friday, friends!

Your Turn:

  • Share some fun about your week!Β :)

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    • It’s super tasty…and I just love calling it a Power Bowl πŸ™‚ OMG! We are looking forward to moving to Colorado in August!!