Things I’m Loving: March 2016

Things I'm Loving March from Treble in the Kitchen

Hello and happy Friday and the first day of April!

While today is definitely April Fool’s Day, I can promise you this is not an April Fool’s joke post (I’m honestly not that clever!).

Some of my favorite past April Fool’s posts are from Erin at Well Plated and Sarah at Sarah Fit.  Definitely check those out for a good laugh.

While March was a fantastic month (despite extremely crazy weather!), I am so excited for April because it means the end of the semester and it’s my birth month 😉 So let’s take a look at all the fun things I saw, ate, and did in March!

Foods I’m Loving:

  • Brian made whole wheat sourdough bread with his own starter!

How to Make Sourdough

How beautiful are those loaves!?

This was so impressive to me because Brian does not cook.  He doesn’t enjoy it, doesn’t really have any desire to cook, but he can do some basic things.  That’s ok, because I love to cook!  For us, this balances out well.  After watching the documentary Cooked based on Michael Pollan’s book, Brian was really inspired to make his own sourdough bread beginning with the starter.

How to Make Sourdough

The starter took about 5 days to make, due to fermentation (which is what makes the dough sour).  He used Bob’s Red Mill Organic Whole Wheat Pastry Flour, and the flavor and texture were great!  I think the fine pastry flour allowed the bread to rise and be less dense than using traditional whole wheat flour.

How to Make Sourdough

The resources we used for this process were:

There are several other resources out there, but these are the resources we chose to use.  Want to know what I think the coolest part about this whole bread experiment was?  Sourdough bread is low FODMAP! Kate Scarlata, RDN explains the science behind WHY sourdough bread is low FODMAP even though wheat is high FODMAP.

  • This Arepa from Quiero Arepas at Avanti.  SO delicious.

Quiero Arepas @ Avanit

  • Millet (this was given to me by NOW Foods as part of an ongoing partnership, but all opinions are my own!)

I’ve mentioned this delicious little grain a few times this month, but seriously I am in love with it and can’t get enough of it.  I used it in my Kale and Pesto Millet Bowls, I mixed it into some breakfast bars (recipe coming soon!), and of course I’ve eaten it plain.  If you haven’t tried it, I totally recommend it!


Workouts I’m Loving:

  • Training for my half marathon.  I love being able to workout outdoors, and I love running with Bernie 🙂
  • Rock Climbing

Over our spring break, Brian and I visited Movement for a yoga class and a rock climbing session.  It was SO fun, and I can’t wait to go back.

Movement Denver

  • Hiking! Despite a mid month blizzard, we also had weather in the 70s so we were able to get a bit of hiking in!  It made me so excited for the summer when we can hike all the time 🙂

Hiking in Boulder

Things I’m Loving to Read/Watch/Listen to:

OK, this is the first show that I honestly binged and just watched all.night.long.  It’s so good, continues to throw the audience for a loop, and always ends on a cliff hanger.  If you like mystery, suspense, thriller type shows you definitely need to watch this (the first season is on Netflix!). PS:  season 2 comes out on Netflix on April 15.  Cannot wait!

Eating on the Wild Side

I received this book for Christmas, and I have been reading it ever since.  It takes me a while to get through books because I can’t sit still for that long and when I read before bed I end up falling asleep.  Despite all of that, I am really loving the education about the history of the plants we eat and how to select the plants with the most nutrients in our grocery stores and farmer’s markets now.  In my opinion, it’s a must read for all people into health, nutrition, food, and really…anyone! 🙂

Food Photography for Bloggers

Marisa let me borrow this book and I am SO loving it.  This book has excellent before and after photos, images of potential shoot set ups (like where the window is in relation to the food, etc), and so many amazing tips.  I feel like I’m learning so much!

Memories and Moments I’m Loving:

  • Erin and Matt visiting!

Erin and Matt

We had so much fun with them.  We hiked, brunched, walked everywhere, tried new restaurants, lounged in our jammies, and really just had a blast.  Thanks for visiting Erin and Matt 🙂

  • The blizzard last week!

While it was horrible driving weather and many business and almost all of the schools were closed for the day, the blizzard wasn’t so bad if you were able to stay home!   We were lucky enough to not lose power, so we were able to relax a bit on the snow day.

Blizzard in Denver

It was kind of fun tromping through the snow with Bernie, and at the end of the day we headed to the park and EVERYONE was there with their dogs.  It was like a giant puppy party!

Blizzard in Denver

Blizzard in Denver

  • March Madness

Even though Butler got knocked out of the tournament pretty early this year, we still had a blast getting together with a ton of other Butler alum to watch the game.  Who knew there were so many Indy people in Denver?!

Butler Basketball in Denver

I hope your month was amazing too! Here’s to a great April 🙂 (and hopefully no one pulls any tricks on ya!)

Your Turn!

  • Share some of your highlights below! I love reading about what you guys do 🙂

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  1. Ahh! I’m hoping to acquire some starter from my friend soon so I can make my own sourdough bread too! :D! Those loaves look awesome! <3

    …and holy crud, that blizzard looks insane! I hope the weather has gotten better!!

  2. This March I have been wedding planning like crazy so the things I am “loving” are things like checking items off my to-do list and getting ready to be married and honeymoon! In the meantime I have been staying healthy by making your recipes (the lentil shepherds pie was a hit!) and doing your resistance band workout!

    • Good luck with the wedding planning!! So exciting 🙂 AND so glad you like the shepherds pie and band workout!

    • OMG! The weather here is literally nuts. It will be sunny and 70 the day BEFORE and AFTER a blizzard!! Good luck with the paper!