Five Things Friday 2.17.2017

Holy smokes, we are heading into our last weekend in Colorado!

We are really trying to soak up ALL the moments.

Yesterday, Brian and I took the dogs on a nice walk together before starting the day, today we are snow shoeing with Kate and the dogs, tomorrow Brian and I are doing yoga and a long walk with the dogs and getting together with friends, and then we are doing a on Sunday.  We are ALMOST packed, so I feel really good taking this weekend to enjoy some of our favorite Denver things.

Before I head into my Five Things Friday post, I wanted to share how DELICIOUS and fun our Valentine’s date night was last weekend!

Brown Palace Denver

Brian and I first stopped at The Brown Palace, which is a historic downtown Denver hotel, for a drink and there was live jazz music.  Music and good company are two ways to get to my heart, so I thought it really was such a lovely way to start the evening 🙂

We then went to Potager for dinner.  So good.  Seriously.  The service was fantastic because the server was knowledgable and answered all of our questions, was available whenever we needed him but didn’t linger to the point where it was awkward.  It was just perfect.

We enjoyed the scallop crudo (Brian’s favorite!!) which was kind of like ceviche and served with light rice crackers.  Very citrusy and very tasty.  We also shared the crab souffle, which was sweeter than I had initially imagined but the flavors of the sweet pecans and grapefruit melded perfectly with the crab.  Yum!  For dessert, we shared the chocolate chip cookie with mocha ice cream and the blueberry buckle with lemon ice cream.  I’m typically a chocolate kind of dessert girl, but hands down the blueberry buckle was our favorite.  We started telling all of the tables around us to order it too! :).  Overall, the night was absolutely perfect and just what we needed as a “last date night out” in Denver.

Now, I hope you all have a great weekend coming up! Here are my Five Things for this Friday:

Five Things Friday from Treble in the Kitchen

Five Things I Ate:

Coconut Flour Pancakes

Kate Scarlata Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Kate Scarlata Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps

  • This delicious Crock Pot Curry with jasmine brown rice (I adapted the recipe to make it low FODMAP)

Coconut Chicken Curry Tone it Up

  • Lunch salad (with a side of Rooney 😉 )

lunch salad

Fish dinner

Five Workouts I Did:

Barre Forte LoHi Denver

I love the deep burn that my muscles feel in these type of classes, and I love trying new fitness studios!  It was a great alternate to my typical Wednesday morning cycle class.

  • Lots of dog walking 🙂

Bernie and Rooney

  • Yoga this weekend.  It’s been a couple of weeks since my last class and my muscles are CRAVING the deep stretch of yoga.  Can’t wait!

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • Across the Universe – have you guys seen this movie?  For some reason, I had a few songs from the soundtrack stuck in my head this week so I decided to feed my craving by listening to the soundtrack on repeat and watching the movie with Brian and Kate on Tuesday night.  Such a good movie!
  • Snowshoeing – We haven’t been snowshoeing at all this year, so I am happy we are squeezing a trip in before our move.  I’m sure we COULD snowshoe in Indiana, but I’ll be honest in saying I have never seen anyone do it.  Maybe Brian and I will start a trend when we move out there 🙂
  • Feeling ready for the move – as much as we are going to miss Denver, I really feel like Brian and I are ready for the move.  It’s a great feeling because a couple of months ago I was in a very different place. Now, let’s hope I can keep it together this last week (I’m sure there will be many tears!)
  • Boxing last week! – I shared my experience with boxing earlier in the week, and I just have to say again how much I loved it! Clearly, it was pretty basic stuff that we learned in regards to boxing, but it really gave us a good taste and Brian and I would both like to learn more!
  • Our fun Denver weekend!  This weekend should be really fun and relaxing and I am so looking forward to it.

Posts I Have Loved:

Your Turn!

  • Share a fun thing from your week or that you have planned for the weekend! 

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  1. Definitely going to check out those pancakes. I’m mostly gluten free now – on a little detox – and I miss a hot Saturday morning breakfast. Side note: I’m so close to talking my hubby into another vizsla. Did you crate train both Bernie and Rooney?