Five Things Friday 11.6.2014

Happy First Friday of November!

This week has been a little crazy! Not sure if it’s day light savings time (it’s dark by 5pm…literally!!), or because it’s officially November, but something about this week has just been a little wacky.

This weekend, I will actually be busy busy busy in the kitchen testing recipes for a cookbook (not my cookbook, just testing for other people!), I have school work to do, music to review, AND Bodypump to get caught up on. Β Oh yea…and Brian and I have some time carved out to hang together too πŸ˜‰

Busy, busy, busy around here, but it’s doing all things I love to do (with the exception to school, but there is a means to an end with that one…!)Β 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and do something fun to enjoy the fantastic fall weather!

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

  • I had a delicious fally meal with two new-to-me ingredients!

fall salad with sablefish




and Sablefish from Sizzlefish. Β So yummy!

sablefish sizzlefish

  • Hearty Lentil Soup (a recipe I was testing for the cook book!)

hearty lentil soup

  • Scrambled eggs with hummus (you gotta try it!) in them and a bowl of frozen fruit on the side.


pumpkin egg white oats

  • Zucchini Boats (another recipe I am testing!)

1-photo (15)

Five Workouts:

  • Indoor cycling (I am loving having spin back in my routine!)
  • Weight lifting
  • Yoga

First one in class as usual!Β 


  • Boot Camp
  • Taught a Strength Training class

Five Things Making Me Happy

  • Into the Woods Movie Trailer! Β I am such a Β sucker for staged musicals turned into movies, AND I am a huge Into the Woods Fan because we a production of that musical while I was in college πŸ™‚

I played one of the “Ugly Step Sisters” and I am in the pink dress on the bottom Left!

Into the Woods

  • My gratitude journal. Β After reading Jen’s (Peanut Butter Runner)Β post about Cultivating a Gratitude Practice, I decided to do something that had been on my life “To-Do” list for a while and start a little gratitude journal. Β At least once a day this week, I have written down at least one thing I am truly grateful for. Β I really love it! Β It’s so refreshing and really lifts my mood.

gratitude journal

  • I ordered my first Thanksgiving turkey!!! HA! Kind of a goofy thing to make me happy, but I am super excited to have our menu planned and can’t wait to host Brian’s family for one of my favorite holidays πŸ™‚
  • Fabletics!

I ordered a pair of capris back in September that I was so excited about, but unfortunately they slid right down my butt with just about every step. Β Even in yoga, I found myself hiking up my capris with every pose. Β Finally, I decided to contact Fabletics and ask for an exchange despite it being past the specified amount of days. Β I explained my situation and they happily allowed me to send the capris back and they sent me a black pair of capris that I already knew fit me well πŸ™‚

I already own them in orange!

Fabletics 3

  • Spending LOTS of time in the kitchen! Β So for the next monthish…you won’t be seeing too many new “Treble in the Kitchen” recipes because of a very cool and fun project I am working on! Β During November and some of December, I will be testing 100 recipes (!!) that are part of a cook book that focuses on nutrition for athletes.

Purchased a TON of groceries for testing yesterday…

recipe testing

This isn’t my cookbook, I am simply recipe testing recipes created by a nutritionist/chef and a registered dietitian, but there are a TON of recipes to be tested, so I am going to take this time to post more workouts and fitness related things on the blog. Β SO! If you have any special requests (music playlists, at-home workouts, boot camp style workouts, fitness questions?) I’d be happy to share!!

Posts I Have Loved:




Your Turn!

  • Share something fun about your week!! πŸ™‚

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    • It was the Salar Capri Foldover…I think it was the “foldover” that made them slide down my hips. I really don’t have hips or a butt that hold pants up so I need something kind of tight around that area. πŸ™‚