Easter Weekend Recap 2014

Good morning!!!

The first thing I want to say this morning is GOOD LUCK to anyone running the Boston Marathon today!!! 🙂

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  Mine was full of family and lots of sunshine…two things that make me very happy.

This weekend, I also ended up taking LOTS of pictures, so here is a recap with all of those photos.  Enjoy!


Friday, I headed over to Salon Orange Moon to visit my sister and get my hair done.   Thanks for the awesome hair, sis!

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Saturday morning started with a nice 6 mile run.

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After coming home and shower, I couldn’t decide between oats or a smoothie for breakfast…so I made myself some egg white oats and I made Brian a smoothie so I could have a couple sips 🙂  Win, win.

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Saturday afternoon, we headed over to Brian’s parent’s for Easter celebration number 1.  We enjoyed lots of yummy snacks like veggies and hummus.

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Then, we got crafty and Adam (Brian’s brother) showed us how to make soap!

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Mine is peppermint scented with sea salt mixed in.  I haven’t used it yet, but I thought the salt would be a good exfoliator!

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Brian made his soap look like teeth!! Don’t they look good??

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After soap making and snacking, more family came over and it was time for dinner.

Tuna steak, Brussels sprouts and a side salad.  Yum!

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Brian’s mom did an amazing job on the decorations…aren’t they so adorable!?

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After dinner, and some dessert we headed off to a great Easter vigil service to wrap up the night.


Sunday morning started off with a yummy smoothie bowl.  So good!

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After breakfast, Brian and I got to work on getting our apartment ready to have my family over for our second Easter celebration.  Brian’s mom was kind enough to let me borrow a lot of her decorations.  So pretty!



I prepped the asparagus, salad, and salmon all before my family arrived.



Gosh I love my Misto!


Salmon topped with Dijon dill sauce (recipe to come later!)

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When my family arrived, we snacked on some yummy dips that Mom brought over.

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After we were done with our appetizers, it was time to get the Easter egg hunt on!

Growing up, we always searched for eggs on Easter morning and Brian and I really enjoy keeping that tradition alive by hiding eggs for my family.  We set the timer to see how fast they could find all the eggs…


3:55 was the official time…!! So speedy!


After chatting for a bit more, it was time for our Easter Linner 🙂


Brenna made some delicious mini baked potatoes topped with a parmesan gouda cheese.


Such a tasty meal!!

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After our yummy Easter meal of asparagus, salad, and salmon we walked around Mass Ave (a street with lots of local shops very close to our apartment) for a bit.  Brenna and her boyfriend had to leave, but my parent’s hung out for a bit more to enjoy some carrot cake and take a couple of pictures.

The sun was in our eyes BIG time…so squinty!


Much better 🙂


Happy Easter from the Rochfords!


It was such a beautiful day (like sunny and 75 degrees!) so Brian and I headed out for a little bike ride to take advantage of the beautiful sun.

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Such a great way to end our Easter weekend.

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  • Share something fun from your weekend!

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  1. Sounds and looks like a fabulous weekend w/ your family. Your sister did a wonderful job on your hair. It really must be awesome to have a sibiling whose a hair stylist. I thought it was the cutest thing that you & Brian hid Easter eggs for your family. Oh & girl, you should’ve had a smoothie & added oatmeal. Could’ve killed 2 birds w/ one stone 🙂

    • Hope your Easter was fabulous too!! AND you are sooo right…next time oats are going in the smoothie 🙂