Healthy Holidays with Treble in the Kitchen {Giveaway Closed} Day Two

Day two of this giveaway closed December 12, 2013.

It’s Day Two of Healthy Holidays with Treble in the Kitchen and the fun is just beginning.

Healthy holidays with titk 

Today, I am featuring two yummy FOOD items.

Lindsay Cotter’s Healthy Bites and Krema Natural Peanut Butter.

Cotter Crunch Healthy Bites

A couple of months ago, I tried Lindsay Cotter’s Healthy Bites for the first time and LOVED every “bite” of them!

healthy bites

healthy bites tara

Each bite has something unique and great about it (in addition to the flavor!).  You can read more about these amazing little bites here!

In my variety pack I received Muddy Buddy Mocha:

healthy bites

Apricot Cinnamon and Cinnamon Vanilla Whey

healthy bites

AND Cookie Dough and Mint Chocolate Chip

healthy bites

They were all very tasty and the perfect pre-workout fuel, post workout-refuel, or midday snack 🙂

Krema Natural Peanut Butter

I also want to feature Krema Natural Peanut Butter.  I have mentioned these guys before, and I have no problem mentioning them again!

Krema Easter

This is my absolute favorite brand of peanut butter.  I love the consistency, I love the fact that there is only ONE ingredient on the ingredient list, and I love the nutty flavor.

One winner will receive their choice of crunchy or creamy peanut butter along with a cool stir stick (seriously, that thing makes stirring your peanut butter so much easier!) AND a variety pack of dozen healthy bites.

To enter the giveaway:

  • MANDATORY:  Comment below with your preference crunchy or creamy AND which flavor of Healthy Bite you would like to try

One winner will be randomly selected on Thursday, December 12 at noon. Good luck!

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  1. I love the muddy buddy mocha vegan healthy bite! and all of her other vegan bites! I’m also a hardcore crunchy fan!

  2. I’ve been a crunchy fan forever, but recently have been all about creamy PB : ) Great giveaway! Love Ms. Cotter and her healthy bites. I’ve never tried the apricot cinnamon!

  3. I like crunchy and creamy, but if I must choose I’d go with creamy. I’d love to try the cookie dough healthy bites flavor!

  4. I’d love to try the creamy peanut butter and cookie dough bites for sure! Or the mocha, that one sounds good too 🙂

  5. Hello,

    I liked, tweeted, and Crunchy please! Peanut butter is a HUGE part of my training nutrition. I have never tried Krema, but would love to! Maybe it can become my new favorite 🙂 I go through them like no ones business!