Colfax Half Marathon Training Update: Week 1

Colfax Half Marathon via Treble in the Kitchen

Hey friends! I hope the first full week of spring has been treating you well.  The weather here in Denver has been a bit of a roller coaster (per usual), but it’s all good!

With warmer weather hanging out occasionally (and hopefully here to stay soon!), it is officially race training season in the Rochford household.  I am completing 9 weeks of training for the Colfax Half Marathon and Brian and I will both be completing the Bolder Boulder 10K. for the second time.  We ran the Bolder Boulder last year and loved the fun atmosphere surrounding the entire race.

I plan on writing up a little recap of my training each week.  Last week, I loosely started training for the race, but I thought I’d give it a recap anyways!

When I create my training plans, I always make sure to include lots of cross training and “other” types of workouts, active rest days, and recovery.  I am not a natural runner, so having lots of other movement in my plan really helps my body work at its prime.

Another thing I really try to add into my routine is foam rolling and utilizing the stick.


These are great tools to massage your muscles after they have been fatigued in a workout.  For me, it helps me to decrease the soreness after workouts (specifically running) and it allows me to recover a little bit faster so that I can get into my next workout 🙂

Last week, I got in two of the 3 scheduled runs which isn’t bad considering we had friends in town and it was our “spring break” so our schedules were totally out of whack.


  • Monday | No workout (we explored Breckenridge with a friend instead!)
  • Tuesday | 3 mile run with Bernie

I didn’t wear my Garmin, track my pace or anything other than knowing I was going out for 3 miles.  In future runs (like this week!) I plan on paying closer attention to my pace as that is something I really want to improve on.

  • Wednesday | CXWORX (30 minute core workout)
  • Thursday | Yoga and Rock Climbing
  • Friday | Cardio Dance Video
  • Saturday | Yoga
  • Sunday | 5 mile run

I was a little nervous for this run because that is the longest distance I have run in quite some time.  I was also still a touch sore from our rock climbing adventure on Thursday.  That being said, it was a great run and I totally felt like I could have kept on going.

half marathon training

That’s all I’ve got for today! I plan on writing these recaps on Wednesdays all the way up until the race, so stay tuned!

Question of the Day:

  • Are you running any races this spring or summer?

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  1. Hi Tara! Glad to see you’re doing well and enjoying life in Colorado. While unpacking some college things recently, I came across the collection of recipes you gave me at the conclusion of our stint at the Smithsonian! 🙂 Your posts are very inspiring – I recently started going to the gym regularly (as a swimmer) and being more active (as well as cooking more at home) is making me so happy! Wishing you well!

    • Hi Elissa!! So glad to hear you are getting active and cooking 🙂 Two of my absolute favorite things. Are you still doing yoga? Where are you living these days? Loved seeing your comment 🙂

      • As a matter of fact, I’m going to a session tonight with Yoga for the People! I try to do basic poses when I can to promote flexibility and meditation in my routine. Still in New York, living in the East Village and absolutely loving it!!

  2. Tara, please update us on your training! I’m getting ready for my second half marathon in May and I’m pretty sure your tips and ideas would help me a lot! 🙂