Bye Bye Peanut Butter

Two nights ago I made this delicious (and quick!!) dinner of sauteed shrimp, roasted veggies, and quinoa with just enough to make leftovers for last night’s meal. ย Coming from a girl who would prefer to never have to eat leftovers, this dish was pretty tasty the second time around and I actually looked forward to eating it again ๐Ÿ˜‰dinnerBye Bye Peanut Butter

Today marks the first day of Lent.

Growing up, I never participated in Lent as I was not Catholic and I did not have many Catholic friends. ย While attending college, several of my friends were Catholic and participated in Lent, so I became more familiar with the idea and the meaning behind it.

While I do not feel 100% comfortable writing about my faith and my religious journey on the blog because I am still learning and growing, I truly admire the wonderful bloggers that do write about their faith with confidence and strength like Lindsay, Tina, andย Lindsay.

I am mentioning Lent this year because I am officially participating in it for the first time ever, and I will be giving up something that all of you may notice.

All nut butters!

overnight oats in a jarRecently, I have been finding myself dipping my finger into the peanut butter/almond butter jar just one too many times, so I thought that this would be an appropriate thing to give up.

In preparation for my 40 days and 40 nights without any nut butter, I made sure to finish off the last of a jar of peanut butter with some overnight oats in a jar for breakfast, and I included it in my afternoon snack with a fresh apple.

I’m satisfied with my last bites of nut butter and I am ready to bring on the 40 days!

peanut butter snackIn the big picture, 40 days and 40 nights without the delicious creamy treat of nut butter won’t be a big deal, but that doesn’t mean I am not looking forward to eating something that looks like this again!

breakfastpeanut butter brownies

yogurt bowl with peanut butter

Luckily, Brian will be participating in Lent with me and we are so ready. ย With each other’s support and the true meaning behind Lent, we are sooo ready!

Bye Bye Peanut Butter!

Have you ever given up a food?

Are you giving something up or adding something positive into your life for Lent?

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  1. Girl, I give you MAJOR credit for cutting out nut butter. I’m not quite sure I could do it… yeah I’m about 80% sure it’d be a bit difficult. Good luck ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Oh my goodness, I give you MAJOR props for this! Giving up peanut butter would be SO difficult for me!

    In the past, I have given up sweets and several years I gave up meat for all of Lent. Now that I am a vegetarian, I do not have to worry about the meat part, but I am giving up sweets (candy, cake, ice cream) this year. Good luck with the PB! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Well I know giving up PB will be difficult, but totally worth it in the end ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck on giving up your sweet stuff!!

  3. That is an both an admirable and crazy ๐Ÿ™‚ thing to do…honestly, not sure if I could give up my beloved PB for 40 days. All other nut butters, not a biggie. Even cookie butter. But PB…I would be hurting. BEST of luck to you and I am impressed!

    • Thanks for reading the blog! No need to worry!! I will be back to PB soon ๐Ÿ™‚ And BTW…you guys are my favorite!!!

  4. I’m giving up candy and the majority of sweets! Peanut butter would be so rough, especially since I just ordered a new bag of PB2 ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Hey Tara! Funny enough, I clicked this post because I gave up PB at Christmastime, for health reasons. So it’s not exactly the same situation, but man oh man, it’s TOUGH! It makes you appreciate all the more the simple things we take for granted every day, doesn’t it? Praying for you as you take this journey through Lent!