Bodypumped Out!

Recently, I feel like I have been Bodypumped out!

The past two weeks, I subbed several classes out of my normal rotation, and while I LOVE Bodypump…my muscles needed a break.

On top of that, I have been learning the newest material and preparing for an upcoming certification training in CXWORX.


I absolutely adore all Les Mills classes, learning the choreography, and perfecting my technique, but I also enjoy creating my own workouts. Β So when a fellow group fitness instructor asked me to sub her 30 minute core class I was ecstatic and ready to create my own workout to lead the class through.

Although it was 30 minutes, the class was hard work and pretty fun too πŸ˜‰

30 min abs


Hope you enjoy the workout!

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  2. i feel you! i’ve been teaching so much this week and it wears you out!

    i am dying to do a CXWORX class. we don’t have them here. can’t wait to here about your cert weekend.

    • Totally wears me out…in a good way though!! You would totally love CX. If you ever come to Indy you will have to try one! I will make sure to post about the cert weekend. I hear there is a 5 min hover involved…