A Late Night At Work Means Random Meals

Make sure to check out yesterday’s post to add your motivation mantra for staying fit and healthy!  My goal is to make it to 100 mantra’s by the new year!


Last night, Brian and I were staying at a friend’s house to watch their dog.  We didn’t have any of our own food with us, but they said we could help ourselves to their food.  It was a long day at work for me, so I didn’t return home until about 6:40pm.  Luckily, Brian knew that I was going to be tired and hungry so he made us a little appetizer of wine and butternut squash apple soup!

dinner 12-28The soup tasted a bit more tart than I initially expected, probably due to the apple, but all the same I still finished my bowl.

brian 12-28


After our “first course” it was my turn to figure out the main dish.  I searched through the fridge looking for parishable food items that would go bad if we didn’t eat them.  I ended up throwing a bit of this together and a bit of that together and the meal actually turned out pretty tasty!

tara dinner 12-28

tara dinner 2 12-28Steamed broccoli and snap peas with polenta, tossed salad, and a piece of cheese 🙂  Random…but tasty!dinner 2 12-28After that, Brian and I popped in a movie.  He watched the movie and I fell fast asleep!  For some reason, whenever we try to watch a movie at home there is not chance for me to stay awake unless it is broad daylight out.  Does anyone else suffer from movie narcolepsy?


This morning, I woke up hungry but I didn’t know what I was hungry for.  I ended up peaking through the cabinets and the fridge and decided on a meal of applesauce with some granola mixed in.  Again, this meal seemed very random but it was so delicious!

breakfast 12-29Now, I am off to practice some Body Pump before I teach at 10:35am today and try out my new gloves.

Les mills glovesAfter that, there really isn’t much in the plans for today.  Maybe some grocery shopping, putting away of Christmas gifts, and a movie with some friends.  We shall see!

When watching a movie at home, do you typically fall asleep?

I literally can’t keep my eyes open for more than 20 minutes!




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  1. Hey 🙂 Just found your blog and am so excited to read it 😀

    Haha! My mom falls asleep ALL THE TIME whenever we watch a movie. Literally any movie… Kind of gets annoying when she’s the one picking which movie to watch as she won’t technically watch it anyways!

    Random meals… Yeah that happens to me a lot with my unstable schedule. Surprisingly those can turn out healthy and nutritious.

    • Thanks so much Nadiya! My Mom is the same way when it comes to movies…worse than me!! Brian gets a little irritated when I am picking the movies and falling asleep…so now he picks the movie every time 🙂