Maintaining Healthy Eating During a Busy Week

This week has been one of those weeks when every single meal I eat is “on the go” or “at my desk.”  These kind of weeks can get a bit old really fast simply because I truly enjoy cooking a meal, sitting at the table, and savoring each bite, but sometimes you just have to make due!

It is totally possible to not eat a single meal at home, or even with real silverware, and still maintain a healthy eating lifestyle 🙂

When I come to work each morning, the first thing I do is check my e-mails, grab a cup of coffee, and eat my breakfast which usually looks a little something like this:


Yesterday’s breakfast was leftover quinoa topped with Greek yogurt combined with stevia and cinnamon which was then topped with strawberries, banana, and a tablespoon of crunchy natural peanut butter.

The morning’s usually fly by pretty quickly, and the next thing I know, it is lunch time.  Now, this is where things can get a bit tempting. A couple of people in my office like to order out for lunch or bring in pizza, or something of that nature.  Even though I know my lunch is tasty, something that will make me feel good, and something that I look forward to eating…that pizza (or whatever the item may be!) still smells delicious!

In order to combat the smell of delicious, but unhealthy restaurant food I make sure to pack a lunch that I am excited to eat.


This was a salad of romaine lettuce, broccoli slaw, carrots, and a Dr. Praeger’s veggie burger topped with a simple olive oil and vinegar dressing.  It may sound simple, but these kind of meals hit the spot for me!

Sometimes, I will pack leftovers for lunch too!

Chili Lime Garlic Shrimp 5

This was a leftover portion of my Chili Lime Garlic Shrimp with some steamed veggies…mmmm, this tasted way better than take-out 😉

As far as dinners, when they are on the go, they actually look pretty similar to my lunches.  I also try to pack some healthier snacks such as light cheese, fruit, veggies and hummus, energy balls, trail mix, or things of that nature.

So, this week may not be the most exciting week of meals and being creative in the kitchen, but I still try to keep things tasty and healthy so that I am not tempted when the entire office orders milkshakes as a mid-day snack!

How do you maintain healthy eating during a busy week?

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    • I have never been a leftover person, but to save time and money (who wants to waste all that food!) I have learned to like them!