Packing Schmacking

Ok, so would you believe me if I told you that I didn’t start packing and I plan on doing it in the morning tomorrow before we leave at noon?  Well, that is exactly what happened.  I stayed after work a little bit longer than planned, and then there were so many great sales that I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to purchase my first two items as an associate.  I purchased two shirts for a grand total of $25…and they were originally $55 each!  Now, that is what I call bargain shopping 🙂


So yes, while I usually rarely procrastinate, I literally felt like a chicken with my head cut off when I got home from work because I had to get ready to teach spin and workout for 45 minutes beforehand, take care of the dogs, fish, and cat, and drive across town all in addition to packing.  So packing will happen tomorrow, and I will just take a deep breath, make a list (well the list is already made) and take a second to realize that it is not the end of the world that I put off packing to the day that I am leaving.



I got to the gym early, so before spin I did 10 minutes on the elliptical to get warmed up and then I did a series of arm, ab, and leg strengthening movements.  Starting off early got me really pumped up for class!

Spin class was another sweaty one tonight:

Warm Up 5 minutes

  • Flat road, as time goes on, increase intensity

Hover, Stand , Hill, Sprint (8.5 min)

  • Hover over seat for 2 minutes
  • Standing jog 2 minutes
  • Sprint 30 seconds
  • Seated climb 2 minutes (increase intensity every 30 sec 5-8)
  • Hover over seat 2 minutes

Sprints (2 min)

  • Sprint 15 seconds
  • 30 seconds off
  • Sprint 15 seconds
  • 30 seconds off
  • Sprint 15 seconds

Hills (10 min)

  • Flat road for 1 min
  • Raise gear up 2ish notches every 15 seconds (1 min)
  • Hold top level of hill (1 min)
  • Rest for 1 min
  • Standing raise gear up 2ish notches every 15 seconds (1 min)
  • Hold top level of hill (1 min)
  • Rest for 1 min
  • Hovering raise gear up 2ish notches every 15 seconds (1 min)
  • Hold top level of hill (1 min)
  • Rest for 1 min

Out of Saddle  (11 min)

  • Alternate between sitting and standing for 30 seconds (3 min)
  • Alternate between seated, standing, and hover 30 seconds each (4 min)
  • Standing run (2 min)
  • Standing run sprint…pick up pace (2 min)

Sprints (2 min)

  • Sprint 15 seconds
  • 30 seconds off
  • Sprint 15 seconds
  • 30 seconds off
  • Sprint 15 seconds
That would be my spin bike on top of the instructor stage.  I would say that getting that bike on and off of that stage is a workout in itself!  Usually there is one guy that takes my class, and he is literally there every week…except for this week.  So I was left all by myself to deal with the bike, but I survived!  And it was like a got a couple of extra reps in 🙂
It was definitely dinner time when I arrived at the dog sitting house.  They had some fresh ingredients that they offered for me to use to keep them from going bad so I made a random assortment of things to kill my hunger.  I hadn’t had any veggies yet today, and for some reason I was slacking yesterday too so I knew I had to make up for it tonight!
I chopped about a half of a summer squash, some broccoli, and onion.  I put a little water in the bottom of the dish, covered it and steamed the veggies in the microwave for 6 minutes.  I then topped it with a Trader Joe’s roasted red pepper and artichoke tapenade….delish!
On another plate I had some cucumber, carrots, cheese, and about a half an apple.  It was a very refreshing meal.  Although I love cooking for others, when it comes to myself, my favorite meals are snacky/appetizery type foods because I love enjoying little bites of many different flavors.  It definitely tasted and felt great after a long workout!
Weekend Update
Just talked to Mom, and they are in Michigan about to visit my grandparents…can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow!
Here are some sites of possible interest:

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