Tis the Season

Yesterday, after writing an article, practicing a little body pump, putting away some laundry, and tidying things up a bit I had to shower up and get ready to attend a couple’s shower.  Even though Brian and I are both friends with Kelsey and Luke, the soon-to-be-wed couple and it was a couple’s shower, I had to go solo so that Brian could head to another friend’s bachelor party…tis the season for weddings!

After showering, I headed straight to the kitchen to quickly prepare something for Brian and I to eat before we both headed out for our wedding themed evenings.

Brian’s mom, grandma, and aunt soon came home, and his grandma had a present for me!  This cute vintage apron…

I love it!  The best thing about it…there is a pocket 😉

The dinner I whipped up was very fast and very tasty.  On a greased baking sheet, I threw on two 4 oz pieces of salmon, a small tomato, some asparagus spears, a little onion.  I topped everything with fresh garlic, salt, and pepper.  I put it in the oven on 400 degrees for 10 minutes…and voila! Dinner was served.

Brian and I then headed out on our separate ways for the evening.

When we arrived at the shower, we immediately headed out back.  It was the perfect venue for a shower!  I thought that the entire atmosphere was fun, relaxed, and just plain pretty!

And the food tasted as good as it looked!  My favorite was the vegetable tray with blanched green beans and asparagus…yummmm I could have eaten my weights worth in asparagus.

It was a great evening spent with friends.  I am absolutely loving all of the events and chatter about weddings…it truly is that time of year!

Now, it’s time to grocery shop, prep my food for the week, and practice body pump.

What is on Your Sunday To-Do List?

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