Friday Food Survey!

It’s Friday!  My brain is totally in weekend mode, and I just want to hang out and enjoy the beautiful weather.  Since I can’t do that and I really love filling out surveys, I filled out this food survey that I saw on Clare’s blog Fitting It All In!

I hope you all have a lovely Friday and a great kick-off to the weekend 🙂

Coke or Pepsi?

Growing up, I would drink a TON of diet coke, now I don’t really drink much pop at all.

Lemonade or Fruit Punch?

Fresh lemonade please!  I rarely drink either of the two, but something about lemonade screams summer.

Caramel Apple or Cotton Candy?

Caramel apple, cotton candy is like eating air…

Butterfinger or Snickers?

Snickers.  I remember digging through my Halloween bag just to find the snickers, they were like  gold!

Pudding and Jell-O?

I would have to say pudding.  I haven’t had Jell-o in years, but chocolate pudding was always a tasty treat!

Turkey or Chicken?

Currently?  Neither…

American or Provolone Cheese?

Provolone, especially on French onion soup!

Crackers or Cookies?

Depends on the crackers.  There are some pretty delicious crackers out there.

Pretzels or Chips?

Pretzels.  Haven’t had them in a while, but I love the dark super salty version…dipped in chocolate.

Mexican food or Japanese food?

That is tough!  I am going to go with Japanese simply because of Sushi.

Chinese food or Italian food?

Italian.  I love mozzarella and fresh tomatoes with some fresh basil…so light and crisp!!

Pie or Cake?

This one really depends on the situation…I enjoy both!

Ice cream or Cookies?

I LOVE baking cookies all the time, but can rarely turn down an offer to ice cream.

Fro Yo is kind of like ice cream 😉

Pasta or Pizza?

Pizza!  And as a special treat, a super thick crust…I love crust!

Soda or Juice?

Hmmmm….neither really?  How about water??

Chocolate Bars or Chocolate Truffles?

Chocolate truffles, they are fancier, richer, tastier, and just better!

Apples or Bananas?

Toughy!!! I love both!! So I can’t choose 😉

Salad or Soup?

Salad for sure!

Cauliflower or Broccoli?

Another toughy!! I would say cauliflower though…even though I love both!

Onion Rings or French Fries?

Again haven’t had them in forever, but onion rings.  I am an onion girl through and through.

Blizzard or McFlurry?

I am going to have to go with Blizzard on this one…top two flavors…Pumpkin Pie and Banana Cream Pie, yum!

Fried or Poached Eggs?

Poached.  My mom can make a perfectly poached egg…I have tried maybe twice and failed at both attempts, but they taste good!

Crepes or Pancakes?

Pancakes!  I LOVE pancakes for breakfast because you can make so many different kinds, healthy or not.

Hashbrowns or Roasted Potatoes?

Roasted potatoes for sure…with ketchup.  My mom makes really great fried breakfast potatoes too…they go well with the poached eggs.

Oatmeal or Cereal?

Oatmeal for sure, I eat it everyday!  How could I not pick it!

What are your favorite foods???

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