Should We Use A Travel Agent?

Last night, Brian and I attended a presentation on honeymoon destinations put on by a local travel agent, EZ Travel Pad.

Now, Brian and I honestly had never even considered using a travel agent to figure out our honeymoon until I went to a bridal show a couple of weeks ago with my mom and met the man who owned this company.

If you have ever been to a bridal show, then you know that there are travel agents galore as soon as you walk into the door, and I never even give them a second look.  I always thought that by going through a travel agent things would be more expensive because I was paying the agent for his services in addition to paying for my trip, and I like the research aspect of finding the activities and excursions that I would like to do once I am on the vacation.  So, in my mind, there was no reason for me to ever speak with a travel agent.

Somehow, at this bridal show, my mom ended up talking to this man’s wife, and she brought a lot of clarity to the situation.  By going through EZ Travel Pad:

  • there is no additional fee
  • he has actually been to the places that I want to go
  • there are some resorts where you can experience the culture of the community you are in, and there are some where that is difficult to achieve, but he knows which resorts are which
  • he has a relationship with the resorts and may be able to get us discounts because of that

When his wife was explaining all of this to my mom and I, I knew that I needed to find out more!  So, last night was just a night where he presented a wide variety of information appealing to many different audience members to help educate us about what our options are and hopefully bring some clarity as to what we actually want to do and where we may want to go for our honeymoon.

Brian and I made the decision to use EZ Travel Pad, however, we don’t need to start worrying about booking anything for a couple of months still.  So we can still take some time to decide the details of our honeymoon without having to jump into a decision we may regret.

I am not sure that every travel agent is like this, I only know that this is how EZ Travel Pad runs his company, but if you are in the market for honeymoon shopping I would definitely recommend taking a look at some local travel agents to see what they can do for you!


Question of the Morning:

  • Have you ever worked with a travel agent for travel plans???

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  1. Thanks Tara, You nailed it!
    I wish that more people considered using travel agencies for their vacation planning, especially a vacation as important as a Honeymoon
    It’s a Win-Win situation. Getting expert help with vacation planning make so much sense, especially when the expert help does not cost more!
    I sincerely look forward to working with you on the planning and know that we will come up with the best fit for you and Brian.
    In the meantime you may want to “Like” EZTravelPad on Facebook for more ideas and inspiration.
    Thanks so much for sharing the sound advice on your blog – gonna go read some of your food ideas now – hungry already!

  2. Thanks Tara, You nailed it!
    I wish more people would consider using a travel agency to help with their vacation planning – especially a trip as important as a Honeymoon!
    It’s a Win-Win situation. Obviously the travel agency benefits, but so do the travelers
    Getting expert help is so beneficial, especially when that expert help does not cost more!
    Thank you so much for taking the time to post to your blog – and i sincerely look forward to working with you on your planning. You may also want to “Like” EZTravelPad on Facebook for all sorts of ideas & more.