The Second Trimester

I can’t believe how quickly things are flying by! On one hand I feel like time is going so quickly, but on the other hand I feel like April couldn’t get here soon enough. It’s a weird (but good) spot to be in!

During the first trimester, I felt so sick it was very challenging to be productive. Looking back, it seems like that time went quickly too, but I would say with the holidays during the second trimester and me feeling more like myself overall the second trimester is going much quicker.

Second Trimester #pregnancy #healthypregnancy

Overall, I can totally understand why every pregnancy app, book, or any other resource says that the second trimester is the favorite trimester. I can finally eat somewhat normal again, I feel hungry a lot of the time, I have energy to incorporate workouts into my routine, and I can get by with 8-9 hours of sleep at night (compared to 12-14 in the first trimester).

Make sure to check out my post with everything about my first trimester!

Feeling the Baby Move

I started to feel baby girl move around week 18-20. It was very faint, but like nothing I’ve ever felt before. We learned in our 20 week anatomy scan ultrasound that I have an anterior placenta (it’s closer to the front of my body), which makes feeling baby a little more challenging and makes total sense why I didn’t start feeling her until later!  Talk with your doctor about when you may feel your baby move, some women don’t feel their babies until later in pregnancy and that is totally normal.

I mostly feel her now when I am watching TV at night or laying down for bed, and Brian has felt her move a couple of times too!

Exercise in the Second Trimester

During the first trimester, I really didn’t exercise because I was so sick and had no energy. I would attempt to walk the dogs and couldn’t go for more than about 10 minutes without needing to take a nap and rest. Now, I have so much more energy, I am back to workouts at my regular gym, barre classes, running, walking the dogs and yoga. My doctor, my doulas, the pregnancy apps I’m using, and pregnancy books (Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy is a good resource) all share that exercise during pregnant is not only safe, but it’s actually beneficial for mom and baby.  I can usually do most of the workout as written, but the instructors are always willing to help me come up with a modification that works for me when necessary.

Now that I’m getting more regular movement into my weekly routine I think it’s helping me sleep better at night, my mood and it just helps me feel a little more like myself.

Pregnancy Weight Gain

Gaining weight during pregnancy is such a weird thing. It’s hard not to be self-conscious of my ever-changing body, but I am realizing that the more I truly keep positive thoughts in my head about this entire process the better it is for me and for baby.

I try to eat what sounds good and what will make me feel good, which includes things like a side salad if we have pizza, frozen fruit for my after dinner snack (I’ve been craving this since the beginning), and french fries if I want them 😉 Balancing my eating and incorporating exercise are allowing my body to do what it needs to do and I need to trust the process (easier said than done sometimes).

Since day one I have been lathering my body with NOW Cocoa Butter (partnership) and my tummy with NOW Almond Oil (partnership). I’m not sure if that is what’s preventing stretch marks (so far), but it does help with itchy dry skin and helps my skin stay smooth.

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Nausea (when my nausea cleared up)

At week 18, I was still taking strong anti-nausea medication prescribed by my doctor and that was the first time I attempted to wean myself off of it successfully. This was right around Thanksgiving time. I had tried to wean myself off earlier, and still got sick and felt pretty terrible so this was really a process of trial and error. Some women start to feel less nauseas right at 14 weeks, and some women feel a little sick the entire time or not sick at all. Everyone’s pregnancy is a little bit different, but I am thankful I feel mostly great now!


Swelling is a new symptom that has shown up this trimester. My right foot is pretty swollen and my left foot is just a little swollen, but it’s still enough that caused me to purchase new sandals for our babymoon (I couldn’t get my feet in any that I already owned!).

My hands are also a little swollen and most days I am unable to wear my wedding rings. This has probably been one of the most challenging symptoms, but I have to continuously remind myself that this is temporary.

Now, I try to do legs up the wall at least once a day to help drain some fluid from my feet and I put these ice pack socks on my feet at night for about 20 minutes to help. I’m not sure if those socks are actually helping, but they feel really good! I also wear compression socks most days of the week.

Second Trimester #pregnancy #healthypregnancy


During the first trimester, I needed to sleep a lot but found I had trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night.

Some of my mom friends recommended getting a pregnancy pillow (I have this pillow and this cover) and I don’t know why, but that thing WORKS! I thought it would just be comfortable to lay with, but it really helps me fall asleep fast and stay asleep (thank goodness!).

Right now, I usually wake up 1x a night to go to the bathroom, but other than that I sleep like a rock with that pregnancy pillow.

Food Cravings and Aversions

During the first trimester, I had very strong cravings. My food cravings were for food that I had never really eaten before or foods that I hadn’t wanted in years (like fast food french fries, chicken sandwiches, cereal, soup or pasta from certain restaurants, etc etc). I would have the food craving and not really feel great until I ate THAT food. Now, I feel like I don’t have strong cravings like I did in the first trimester, but there are definitely foods that sound good (like slightly melted frozen fruit! I enjoy that almost every night).

For food aversions – during the first trimester I literally couldn’t eat a vegetable without wanting to get sick….it was the strangest thing and totally out of my control. Then there were times when I would have a craving for a food and the next day that food would total disgust me. Now, I would say I don’t really have any food aversions, but there have been just a couple of times where something just doesn’t sound quite right in a particular moment.

Something that is a little strange to me is that during the holidays I thought I would want to go overboard on the Christmas cookies, because I always love Christmas cookies and now I usually feel more hungry than normal but I think I ate LESS cookies this year than any other year because I just didn’t want them…so strange!

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Workout Leggings

I had the hardest time finding good workout leggings as soon as my belly started to grow, but I am so happy to say that I have a few pairs that I LOVE. Surprisingly, none of them are maternity leggings. I ordered a pair of workout maternity leggings and I felt like they slid down my behind the entire workout, which was very uncomfortable and annoying.

All of these leggings are SUPER high rise and typically stay put on my waist line (with the need to adjust a few times during the workout), and they are all very comfortable.

Lululemon Wunder Under Super High Rise (size 6, I am normally a 4)

Second Trimester Maternity Leggings

Second Trimester Maternity Leggings

Athleta High Rise Chatarunga Tight (size small, I am normally an extra small)

Second Trimester Maternity Leggings

Second Trimester Maternity Leggings

Fabletics Trinity High Waisted Pocket Leggings (size medium, not sure what size I am normally with this brand)

Second Trimester Maternity Leggings

Second Trimester Maternity Leggings

Fabletics High Waisted Power Hold Leggings (size medium, not sure what size I am normally with this brand)

Second Trimester Maternity Leggings

Skin Care

During the first trimester, my skin had so many breakouts! There is an old wives tale that “girl babies will steal your beauty” and it was so true for me! At around week 16 I started using Evan Healy Rose Cleansing Milk, Rosehip Treatment Facial Serum, and Rose Geranium Facial Tonic and almost immediately my skin started to clear up and I’ve had minimal breakouts since then. I am also getting monthly facials to keep my skin hydrated and healthy and I am really happy with the results of both the facials and the rose facial cleansers.

Maternity Clothing

Purchasing clothes that fit well has really helped keep me feeling great. When I feel like I look good I am in such a better mood!

Pink Blush Maternity sent me this cute dress below to try, and I loved it so much I ended up ordering other dresses, a top, and a bathing suit for the babymoon.

Second Trimester #pregnancy #healthypregnancy

Other places I love to shop for maternity and bump friendly clothing:

I’ve heard H&M and Madewell have some pretty cute maternity clothes but I haven’t shopped there yet.

I also have shopped at a ton of non-maternity spots and just purchased clothing in a size larger than normal.

Second Trimester #pregnancy #healthypregnancy

Other Pregnancy Favorites and Symptoms

Back soreness

My back has been a little sore (sometimes my upper back and sometimes my lower back), so I started seeing a chiropractor who is familiar with the Webster method and working with pregnant women. This is a great article explaining the benefits of seeing a chiropractor while pregnant. Seeing the chiropractor, practicing yoga, and doing stretches have helped to manage my back soreness.

Taking baths

I have really been working on being more intentional with my time and taking time to relax (it’s always been a challenge for me), and taking baths in the evening has helped a ton. It’s a great time to get some reading in and just turn my mind off from my to do list. It also helps my muscles feel a little less sore (they are sore and tight in different places now that I’m pregnant).

In my baths, I’ll either use a bath bomb or epsom salt mixed with some essential oils (NOW peppermint and eucalyptus are a favorite right now) <–partnership.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Pregnancy induced carpal tunnel syndrome is actually quite common, but what I didn’t know was that it can show up more frequently in the evening. I noticed something was off when I woke up to my hands falling asleep in the middle of the night. After chatting with my doctor, I purchased some night time wrist braces for carpal tunnel at a nearby pharmacy and they work like a charm! They aren’t very attractive and they are pretty bulky…but at least my hands aren’t falling asleep at night!

Second Trimester #pregnancy #healthypregnancy

That’s all I have for now!

As I start the third trimester, I have no more travel plans in the books (since being pregnant I’ve been to Sacramento, Philadelphia, France, Florida, and Turks and Caicos!) and I am so ready to nest and get our nursery organized and ready to go.

The nursery is basically decorated, we just need to do the laundry, pack our hospital bags and get everything in the perfect spot.

Second Trimester #pregnancy #healthypregnancy

I’ll share more updates on the third trimester closer to when baby arrives 🙂


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