Things I’m Loving: March 2018

March 2018

It’s been forever since I have written a “Things I’m Loving” post!  These past few months have been busy with the internship, a couple of side projects, and just living life – and it’s been wonderful!  March was full of delicious eats, hard workouts, half marathon training, and lots of time with family and friends.  All in all, it really has been a fantastic year so far 🙂 I’m pretty ready for consistently warm weather (it’s snowing as I type this!!), but there really isn’t too much to complain about here.

Here is a look at my highlight reel from March!

Foods I Am Loving:

March 2018

I shared a version of sweet potato toast on the blog, and I also shared a version of sweet potato toast on a facebook live segment with The Produce Moms.  It’s a fun twist on a classic breakfast dish, a great way to get extra produce in at the start of the day, and the topping options are endless! Brian and I have been loving both sweet and savory combinations.

March 2018

While grocery shopping a few weeks ago, I stumbled across this new-to-me frozen dessert.  It’s made with avocado as the base, has a rich chocolate flavor and is super creamy!  It’s definitely a fun ice cream alternative (but still decadent!)

Workouts I Am Loving:

March 2018

I LOVED fitting Pure Barre into my workout schedule while living in Denver, and haven’t done it consistently in several months.  At the start of March, I added Pure Barre to my weekly rotation and I’m loving the variety with my Naptown classes, yoga, and half marathon training 🙂 Definitely no boredom in my workout schedule right now!

  • Half Marathon Training

March 2018

March 2018

I started training for the Indianapolis Mini Marathon back in February, and I’m officially in the double digits for my long runs.  The weather has been SO hit or miss – typically it’s bad weather on the days when I meet with my run club or have a long run scheduled, but I’m finding ways to fit the training in and adjust my schedule to take advantage of sunny weather days.

Products/Things I Am Loving:

March 2018

Throughout the past month, I have shared my use of FRE skincare because I have absolutely fallen in LOVE!

I mentioned above that I have been training for a half marathon, and to be honest I don’t always have time to shower before heading out for the day when I’m fitting these long runs in.  When this happens, I notice more breakouts on my face around my hairline and mouth and it’s SO frustrating.  FRE skincare reached out to me asking me to try their products at just the right time (right when my mileage was ramping up) and my breakouts have been under much better control.  They also sent me a sunscreen that I love!  Other sunscreen I have attempted to wear while running and being active outside felt SO heavy on my face, made my face more sweaty, and probably caused more breakouts but the FRE sunscreen is super light on my skin making it perfect for being active outdoors.

If you use the code tarar025, you can get 25% of your first order (just click this link!) 🙂

  • My bulbs sprouting/signs of spring

March 2018

Since we moved into our first house last spring, I’ve been working hard at strengthening my green thumb and I think it’s working! I planted bulbs in the fall and they are starting to bloom! (despite the occasional snow!)

March 2018

Throughout all of last year, it appeared to me that everyone in the universe was reading “You Are a Badass” so while I was in the airport for a business trip, I picked up a copy and I have been absolutely LOVING it.  It’s so inspiring, motivating and uplifting.  I’ve already bought the book as a gift for a few friends – so if you are in need of a motivational quick read – add this book to your amazon cart and get reading 🙂

Moments I Am Loving:

March 2018

March is National Nutrition Month, and this year’s theme is “Go Further With Food.”  I partnered with my preceptor from the Marion County Health Department to share ways to utilize food scraps while cooking to reduce your overall food waste and stretch your produce a bit farther! I shared this veggie scrap stir fry and it was a HIT!

  • Playing with the dogs on Butler’s campus

March 2018

We have had a couple of chilly yet sunny days, and Brian and I made sure to take full advantage of these days by taking the pups to a park on Butler’s campus where they could just run their little tails off.  It’s so fun watching them play with each other and explore.

  • Visiting the new Whole Foods in downtown Indianapolis

March 2018

March 2018

A couple of weeks ago, a brand new Whole Foods opened up in downtown Indianapolis! I don’t do my regular shopping at Whole Foods, so any time I can pop into a shop it feels like a special treat – even if I don’t buy a thing (which I can usually find something to buy) ;).

  • Hosting our first dinner party and fundraising event with The Kids Table

March 2018

The Patachou Foundation is a local nonprofit organization that is near and dear to our hearts.  The Foundation works to end childhood hunger in Indianapolis and educate youth about the food they eat.  This year, instead of having one large fundraising event The Patachou Foundation invited several community members to have their own fundraising dinner parties in their own homes with their own friends and families.  They called these events “The Kids Table.”  Brian and I had an absolute blast hosting our event last weekend.  We enjoyed everything from planning the menu to fit the theme of “food memories”, prepping the decorations, and inviting some of our closest friends.  It was so fun to have our friends get together to support such a wonderful organization.

  • Spending the day with Mom – making candles at Penn & Beech

March 2018

Mom came down to visit Brian and I this past Friday and we had so much fun bopping around downtown!  We ended up stopping into a new shop called Penn & Beech where you actually get to create your own candles.  There are over 90 individual scents and you can make any combination you want (don’t worry, they guide you and answer any questions!).  Our candles both smell so fresh and springy (but are totally different from each other), and I can’t wait to go back with other friends.

  • Easter 2018

March 2018

March 2018

March 2018

Brian and I spent Easter morning with his family at church and then our house.  It was a wonderful morning spent with people we love 🙂

March was a full month with so many great memories made – but I’m so looking forward to April (my birthday month!).

I hope your month was great too!

Your Turn:

  • Share a highlight from your month.

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