Healthy Things To Buy at Aldi

Happy Wednesday!

I’m in another week of classes preparing me for my upcoming Dietetic Internship, but I’m taking a break to share some delicious and healthy things to buy at Aldi!

Healthy Foods to Buy at Aldi

Before moving to Denver, I shopped at Aldi occasionally but I didn’t truly fall in LOVE with shopping at Aldi until after we moved back to Indianapolis (they don’t have Aldi stores in Denver!). Β There are constantly more and more organic products and a ton of packaged items have minimal ingredients. Β They also have what Brian and I call “the fun aisle” with anything from camping gear (seriously, I bought a sleeping bag!) to gardening supplies. Β There is no telling what you will find in “the fun aisle.” Aldi has an amazing selection of all items and I’m so excited to share some of my favorites.Β Each and every time I shop at Aldi, I am literally SHOCKED by how low my bill is at checkout. Β After shopping there for a couple of months, I’ve compiled a list of some of the healthy things that end up in our shopping cart week to week.

Organic Peanut Butter –Β Minimal ingredients and no added sugar. Β It’s the kind you have to stir (which I like!) and it tastes wonderful!

Healthy Foods to Buy at Aldi

Freeze Dried Fruit –Β The only ingredient here is strawberries (or whatever the fruit is that you are purchasing). Β I love using freeze dried fruit to top smoothie bowls, naturally color and sweeten frosting, or to toss into homemade trail mix.

Healthy Foods to Buy at Aldi

Organic Pure Maple Syrup –Β Pure maple syrup can get expensive, so having it available at an affordable price is always great.

Healthy Foods to Buy at Aldi

No Salt Added Diced Tomatoes –Β I don’t use a ton of canned goods, but when I do I try to make sure that there is no added salt (I can add that myself!) and no added preservatives. Β I believe this contains citric acid.

Healthy Foods to Buy at Aldi

Organic Baby Spinach –Β Many of the produce items at Aldi are packaged like this spinach, so if I need a small amount of the item, I will typically go somewhere I can pick up just one or two. Β That being said, I love that this spinach is available!

Healthy Foods to Buy at Aldi

Fancy Medjool Dates –Β These are great for tossing in smoothies, sweetening baked goods, or noshing on as a post meal sweet treat.

Healthy Foods to Buy at Aldi

Organic Chopped Kale –Β I love having this on hand for quick and easy dinners. Β My favorite thing to do is to spritz the pan with extra virgin olive oil, toss chopped kale in the pan with chives and crushed red peppers and stir until wilty. Β It’s the perfect simple side.

Healthy Foods to Buy at Aldi

Organic Hemp Seeds –Β I was utterly SHOCKED when I discovered the seeds that Aldi had to offer. Β In addition to Hemp Seeds they had flax seeds, flax meal, and chia seeds! So many amazing seeds to add to so many amazing recipes.

Healthy Foods to Buy at Aldi

Healthy Foods to Buy at Aldi

Organic Blue Corn Tortilla Chips –Β Recently, these have been a weekly purchase in the Rochford household. Β I love that the corn is organic, and they seriously taste so good πŸ™‚ (alone, with salsa, homemade hummus….)

Healthy Foods to Buy at Aldi

I feel like I am just brushing the surface with this list, but I highly encourage you to pop on over to Aldi to see it for yourself. Β The Aldi in my neighborhood JUST got a complete makeover and renovation, and it’s my understanding that this is happening to all locations.

I hope you enjoyed my list of healthy things to buy at Aldi!!

Question of the Day:

  • Are you an Aldi shopper?
  • What is your favorite thing to purchase at Aldi?

I can’t wait to see all the things you choose from Aldi, please share below!

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  1. YES! I am an Aldi shopper. I live in Maryland and shop two different locations. I love the bagged spinach which I freeze in two cup portions to add to my breakfast smoothies! Will be following you more!

  2. I really wish there was an ALDI nearby me in southern CT! Seems like they have great prices on staples + organic products. The nearest one is a good 40+ min drive which is not really ideal. Maybe someday! πŸ™‚ For now, I have and LOVE Trader Joe’s.

  3. I need to get back to Aldi! Seriously, we’ve been a few times, but I need to take my grocery list with me and see how much I can really save!

  4. yes! Totally caught the Aldi fever! I LOVE that organic food is reasonably priced so that people from all walks of life are able to find healthy options at an affordable price. Before Aldi I was strictly Trader Joe’s but now I’m pretty much Aldi all the time!

    • I was a TJ’s girl in Denver because there was no Aldi, but NOW I am ALL Aldi! πŸ™‚

  5. OMG I LOVE ALDIs. Unfortunately, It’s not by where I currently live which is so sad. It’s only back home for me, but I really would love for one to open down here by me in the South. Dreams. I love it because it is so affordable, and they have great products.