Five Things Friday 3.17.2017

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!

We are at the end of our third full week as Indianapolis residents, and Brian has completed his first full week of work.  Kind of crazy considering he has been in school for the majority of his life!

Five Things Friday 3.17.2017

Bernie on moving day as we brought our entire lives into our new house.

The past couple of weeks have been filled with exploring our new neighborhood and completing small home improvement projects like painting furniture and starting a compost bin.

Indianapolis Broad Ripple Winter Farmer's Market

Indianapolis Broad Ripple Winter Farmer’s Market 

Chalk Painted Furniture

Chalk painted furniture

Five Things Friday 3.17.2017

Walking in the rain with Rooney

Compost Bin

Homemade compost bin using this method from Young House Love

So far we are loving our new home and everything is going great!

Today, we are celebrating one of Brian’s favorite (if not his absolute favorite) holiday…St. Patrick’s Day with his family.  Weather permitting, we will attend the parade, enjoy delicious food and drinks together and see where the day takes us.

This weekend, Brian and I really don’t have much planned (aside from painting more furniture!).  It’s kind of nice not having specific plans so we can continue to get things put together around the house as we figure out our life in Indianapolis.

Now that we are all caught up, let’s jump into the first Five Things Friday we’ve had in a while!

Five Things Friday from Treble in the Kitchen

Five Things I Ate:

  • Lunch salads with hardboiled eggs, leftover brown rice, and roasted veggies.

Five Things Friday 3.17.2017

Five Things Friday 3.17.2017

  • Smoothie bowl topped with freeze dried strawberries (so crunchy!), frozen blueberries, and crumbled up granola bar.

Five Things Friday 3.17.2017

  • Scrambled egg/egg white with spinach and fruit

Five Things Friday 3.17.2017

  • Cashew Milk Latte from Open Society.  Guys, I have officially decided that this is my favorite latte in Indianapolis 🙂

Five Things Friday 3.17.2017

Five Workouts I Did:

Five Things Friday 3.17.2017

It’s very similar to crossfit, but it seems as though it’s more of a “you do you” mentality (which I love!).

  • Practice Indie Hip Hop Yoga – such a fun way to start the weekend
  • Running on the Monon Trail with Bernie (It’s been SO much colder than Denver!)

Five Things Friday 3.17.2017

Five Things Friday 3.17.2017

  • Last week I went to a class at the new Pure Barre Broad Ripple location and LOVED it! The 6am class was packed and there was so much positive energy.
  • Today, Brian and I are heading back to my old stomping grounds at NIFS for a group fitness start to our day.

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • Working with NIFS again!  For the next few months, I will be working with NIFS to help with some of their video content and marketing.  I’m really excited to be working with such a well-rounded fitness center, and familiar faces 🙂

Five Things Friday 3.17.2017

  • Brian is officially an orthodontist!  I know he graduated a few weeks ago, but it all feels so real now that he is working.  I am so proud of him and so excited to see where his career will go.
  • I am loving exploring our new neighborhood on foot, and I love that we see people we know all the time.  It’s definitely different than in Denver where it was very rare to see a familiar face.

Five Things Friday 3.17.2017

  • Meeting new neighbors.  Brian and I have made an ok effort in our apartment living experiences to meet our neighbors, but now we are actually trying to meet the people around us.  It’s so fun to meet people that we know we will be living by for quite some time! (We have even met another vizsla owner!)
  • The start of March Madness basketball.  This is literally the only sporting event I really get into, and I really only get into it if Butler is doing well.  My junior and senior year of college, Butler made it to the National Championships…so these games have a sweet spot in my heart.

Your Turn!

  • Share some highlights with me from your life these past few weeks! I’ve missed hearing from you!

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