Things I’m Loving: January 2017

Things I'm Loving January

It’s February, friends!

I hope your first month of the year was fantastic.  I set a personal goal for myself to focus on drinking more water in the morning, meditating in the morning and moving in the morning.  Completing the water and the movement portion of my goal was easy to attain for me, but the meditation thing? Much harder.  The hardest part for me was that mid-way through the month, Rooney decided she wanted to be an early riser and wake up at the same time as me.  Previously, I would wake up before Brian and the dogs would stay asleep with him so I had a little alone time to meditate.  I’m still not giving up on my goal, but I am setting a new goal for this month:

Try a new-to-me-workout! 

Do you have any personal goals for this month?  If so, I’d love to hear them in the comments below!

Here’s a recap for the rest of my month.

There are some affiliate links included in this post.  Thank you for your support!

Products I am Loving:

Running Mittens

I got these running mittens for Christmas and I am absolutely in love with them.  I’ve been running in the mornings and the temperatures have been getting as low as 19 degrees or lower.  While wearing running gloves, my hands were still frigid but when I wear these running mittens (which are SUPER light weight!) my hands stay warm.  Also, the thumb is texting-friendly and super sensitive so it’s easy for me to send a message if necessary.  I linked to a similar pair up above because I couldn’t find the exact brand, but I highly recommend running in mittens over gloves because of my experience with these.

Rose Hip Seed Oil

Recently, I’ve been seeing rosehip seed oil pop up all over the internet.  Anyone else feel that way?  I’ve read that it’s really great for skin and skin repair, so I ordered this small roller so I could give it a try.  I’ve been putting it under my eyes each night, and I honestly think that it really hydrates and refreshes that area!  Once this little roller is out, I think I’ll have to order a larger bottle next time around 😉

Aveda Chakra 2

I was introduced to Aveda’s Chakra 2 a couple of years ago in a yoga class.  At the end of the class, during savasana the instructor sprayed this lovely scent around the room and I’ve been obsessed ever since.  When my sister moved out to Denver this summer, she started working at an Aveda salon and I think the first question I asked her was if they sold the chakra scents.  Luckily, they did! It’s labeled as a body spray, but I use it as an all-purpose smell good, mood lifting spray.  The scent is clean, not too feminine and perfect for spritzing in a room, on pillows or on your body.

Workouts I am Loving:

Silent Disco Yoga

Practicing yoga and really eliminating the ability to hear any noise except for the music and the instructor was such a wonderful experience.  If there is a silent disco event in your area, I totally recommend going!

Foods I am Loving:

  • Trader Joe’s Garlic Flavored Olive Oil

Trader Joe's Garlic Olive Oil

As someone who is unable to eat garlic and onions on a regular basis, I totally miss the flavor and depth that they easily bring to a meal.  I found this garlic olive oil at Trader Joe’s and I am loving how it really adds that something to my dishes.  If you are following a low FODMAP diet, garlic is something that is often an irritant but garlic infused oil is ok because the science behind how the fat of the olive oil absorbs the garlic.  🙂 (If you have specific questions about this…e-mail me!)

  • African Peanut Stew from the Oh She Glows Cookbook

Oh She Glows African Peanut Stew

This meal is SO comforting.  I’ve made it with slight adaptations to accomodate the low FODMAP diet I typically follow, but it is still so full of flavor.  I made a batch last weekend after skiing on Saturday and it totally hit the spot.

Sweet Home Farm Maple Pecan Granola

Sweet Home Farm sent me this granola to try just before Christmas.  Brian and I finally got around to trying it and guys…this stuff is addicting! The texture is crisp and crunchy, the flavor is nutty and sweet and it’s just so good.  Unfortunately, it is not low FODMAP (contains honey) so I can only have small bites at a time, but maybe that’s a good thing!! I don’t know that I owuld be able to monitor my portion control because it tastes so good 🙂

88 Acres Granola Bars

88 Acres came into my life at FNCE last year, and I am so thankful! They make a granola and granola bars that are FODMAP-friendly and absolutely tasty.  This chocolate and sea salt bar honestly reminds me of the chocolate chip chewy granola bars I grew up eating as a kid 🙂 They also have some delicious seed butters on their site, but my favorite has to be the granola bar.  So great for on the go!

Books I am Loving:

  • Eat & Run by Scott Jurek

Books to read

I finally finished it!! I’m still working on the other two…but that’s ok 🙂 I am really trying to set aside more time to read away from the computer.  It’s a work in progress.

Brian and I listened to this book on our drive to Indiana for Christmas, and it literally had us on the edge of our seats with suspense.  The ending has a big twist that we totally didn’t expect.  I picked this book becuase it was recommended for people who liked Girl on the Train.

Moments I am Loving:

  • Making eye pillows with my friends

DIY Eye pillows

This past Monday, my friends and I got together while watching the Bachelor and sewed ourselves some lavendar eye pillows.  Talk about wonderful smelling and relaxing!  We filled the little pillows with flax seeds, lavendar essential oil, and dried lavendar.  To sew them, we really just eyeballed it and sewed what we thought the shape of an eye pillow would be.  Now, mine is literally chilling in the freezer so I can put it over my eyes to help me relax before bed.

  • Bernie’s second gotcha day!

Bernie and Rooney

Yesterday was Bernie’s second gotcha day!  I honestly cannot believe we have been dog owners for 2 years.  We love our little pups so much, and wouldn’t trade it in for anything 🙂

  • Ski Saturdays


I am SO thankful that I finally enjoy skiing.  We’ve been skiing for the past three winters and I honestly found it stressful 99% of the time.  This year, I really just tried to let things go and do what “felt” right rather than trying to check every box of everything I ever learned in every single lesson I took.  Guess what…it’s totally working! I’m really comfortable out there and I’m actually having fun.  Who would have thought!?

Your Turn:

  • What were some of your favorite January moments?

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